Nyadol (nyadolnyuon on Threads) Nyuon OAM Profile picture
Australian of African appearance | Lawyer | Writer | Woke
Pete McIntosh Profile picture 1 subscribed
Oct 16, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read

Unlike mainstream commentators, I don't think there is anything the 'Yes Campaign' could have done to win the No voters. You can provide someone with information but can't lead them to judgement.

No voters knew what they wanted. No point questioning their choice. The claim there was no sufficient information, adequate explanation, or the Yes campaign was targeted at elite is a little difficult to accept.

Remote First Nations communities voted overwhelmingly for Yes. It is hard to claim they are elite or had better access to information. Image
Apr 6, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Shocked in "African gangs." Really? No Australian politician uses language in a more careless, dangerous, and offensive manner than Peter Dutton. It is his brand.
Apr 6, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Bridget Archer makes really good points.

1. The Liberal can't say they would do things differently because they had the chance and they didn't.

2. Labor took this to the election and won.

3. Opposition might be pointless. Liberals can get out of the way and let people vote. Point 3: Strategically speaking would be best for Liberals.

Don't oppose the Voice, even with doubts. If people vote 'yes', you are on the right side of history and opposition was pointless. If they don't, you get back to your original position without stigma of opposition.
Apr 4, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
A politician who was in government for 10 years complaining about 'woke' is engaging in governance by shitposting. The arguments he makes are also riddle with incoherent stupidity. You can't complain about China dominance in renewable tech, when you think climate change is woke. The reason China dominate renewable tech development so thoroughly - that is, the reason you can hardly build a solar panel without China - is partly because countries like Australia have been caught up in the nonsensical climate wars.
Jan 9, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
On thread:

First, I am not Indigenous person. This thread is how I understand the matter, especially the request for more details by Dutton & Co.

My views is that the request for more details is stalling BS. Dutton & Co figure out boycotting The Voice, like Dutton "proudly marched out on the Apology to Indigenous Australians" is a bad look. Dutton now regrets walking out on the apology.

This time, Dutton & Co have change the game. This is how they are doing it.
May 26, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
I am particularly not interested or moved by Peter Dutton's supposed good side that seems to turned up when a leadership contest is on foot.

Peter Dutton to me will remain as the man who was willing to racialise crime, and used the death of a girl to further that narrative That all of sudden he is concern with not being mean, is mockable.

That he think people should not be judged on appears is ridiculous considering he did just that with African gangs.

That the media is talking about his supposed good side is laughable. Good to who?