OG Roland Rat ☕️ Profile picture
Just a scholar Buy Roland a flat white here: https://t.co/UAzgT69sLy https://t.co/Feu3frBdOQ https://t.co/nOv6lgQpKq
May 21, 2024 19 tweets 8 min read
Time for me to read the exchange between Hoppe and Block over Israel which has led to DRAMA at the Mises Institute. Live commentary in this thread.




Block: lewrockwell.com/2024/01/hans-h…
meste.org/mest/MEST_Naja… Hoppe starts his letter by framing it as a "break up". Image
Aug 17, 2023 22 tweets 8 min read
In this thread I will recommend 20 books that will help you on your political journey to celebrate 20k followers. Before starting, goes without saying you should read these two by yours truly. Let us begin!
1. Jonathan Haidt, The Righteous Mind (2012)

Book that changed the way I saw everything. Even inspired another book of mine (Shakespeare’s Moral Compass, which Haidt himself praises on the back).

Much of my anti-theorycel orientation is owed to this understanding of humans. Image
Mar 30, 2023 32 tweets 10 min read
WWYD: The Queen's Cup IV. Group Matches: Round 1. Window = 12 hours or 2,100 votes.

After almost upsetting former Commissioner Bellucci in WWYD4, Deschanel has been talked up as a favourite; Dormer crashed out of WWYD4 in Round 1.

Both looking to stamp themselves on the cup! Why don't you sit right down and stay a while?
We like the same things and I like your style
It's not a secret, why do you keep it?
I'm just sitting on the shelf
Dec 17, 2022 24 tweets 6 min read
WWY3 will take place some time after Xmas. Between now and then, 64 stars must be previewed. In this thread, all of them will be analysed by Alan Hansen with Mark Lawrenson offering predictions for their final placing. The first 8 will be posted shortly at 10-20-minute intervals. Parisa Jahanfekrian
Dec 17, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
I have started to develop WWYD theory.

There are two basic archetypal forms each of which have three sub-forms for a total of 12 female archetypal sub-forms.

A thread 👇 1. The two basic forms of woman are angel and devil. This was recognised by most traditions as well as by Classic Anglo-Feminism in a reconstructive mode. However each of the basic forms comes in two sub-forms and a third “dark masculine” form…
Dec 16, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
The Queen's Cup II: Semi-Finals. Voting window 6 hours. Final follows tonight.

French 60s icon Deneuve will be dreaming of a showdown with Bardot in the final after overcome Moore, but she's up against 80s icon Shields who demolished Fisher. Beauty is timeless.
Dec 15, 2022 16 tweets 5 min read
The Queen's Cup II: The Road to Redemption. Voting Window = 15 hours.

Many commentators see this as "Bellucci's story", but Richards has a large and vocal fanbase too and she too is looking for "justice" after a first round DQ in WWYD2. Who will get through? ImageImage There is no think, just vote.
Oct 30, 2022 16 tweets 7 min read
I can’t sleep so we are going to play everyone's favourite school boy game “who would you do?”. Just say left or right in each case. I keep it all in one thread. Okay first up. Next up. THERE IS NO “NEITHER”. Death waits for those who do not choose!
Oct 30, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
With the great homecoming of internet racists, I must now cull three people I follow, in this thread I explain who is being cut and why I first person I must unfollow is @georgegalloway , he was worth a few good rants when the Ukraine war started but at the end of the day he’s a leftist
Oct 27, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Behold the 59 Theses I will present on Saturday. Image Image
Oct 16, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
I’m going to put Kanye West quotes in this thread for those who can’t be bothered to watch his new interview.

1. “Jewish people have owned the black voice.” 2. Ye claims Jewish people first came into money as lawyers because Catholic lawyers wouldn’t do divorces. Never heard this bit of lore before.
Oct 14, 2022 9 tweets 1 min read
AA Heroes. Thread. Ten per category, no order.

1. Actors: George Sanders, David Tomlinson, Dennis Price, Richard Burton, Christopher Lee, Roy Kinnear, Patrick Magee, Al Pacino, Daniel Day-Lewis, Paddy Considine. 2. Music: Bob Dylan, David Bowie, Cole Porter, Captain Beefheart, Johnny Cash, Morrissey, Paul McCartney,
Scott Walker, David Ackles, Residents
Sep 30, 2022 25 tweets 5 min read
Thread 👇

1. I have been looking deeper into the the origins of cyclical history theory. It is essentially pagan and finds its classic form in Polybius (“Anacyclosis”) after Aristotle and Plato. Cicero inherits this wholesale and later Machiavelli takes up the model unchanged. 2. The Greek model is focused squarely on politics. It is the idea that every political form degenerates into a tyrannical version of itself before being replaced; an endless cycle of death and rebirth. The Romans inherited this but their histories (eg Tacitus) are more linear.
Sep 16, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
Now we have settled the Abraham issue, today I will settle another complete non-issue brought up by American friends which is the question of whether American black musicians were “actually” doing white man music. This will be a thread. 👇 1. Here is Leadbelly, who grew up on a plantation, singing “Pick a Bail of Cotton”. This was a work song sung by slaves as they picked cotton. Leadbelly was black and slaves were black. They’d sing these songs acapella, he added the guitar line.
Aug 1, 2022 16 tweets 6 min read
Time for a thread. Today's paper: "Behaviour change, public engagement and Net Zero" by Dr Richard Carmichael

👇 Written in October 2019, this paper looks for ways to create "high-impact shifts in consumer behaviour" to meet Net Zero targets. It was written by the Committee on Climate Change which officially advises the government: gov.uk/government/org…
Jul 18, 2022 25 tweets 8 min read
1. Ever wondered what exactly the Hitler Youth were taught? In this thread we will take an unflinching look using a textbook from 1938: ia801605.us.archive.org/7/items/PDFNaz…

They start by claiming that their worldview is grounded in realism while all prior views were not grounded in “facts”. 2. In the next section they evoke a concept that looks a lot to me like “bio-spirit” to argue that people from different groups are fundamentally different from each other in all sorts of ways, not just physical but in terms of their tendencies and preferences.
Jul 14, 2022 25 tweets 8 min read
In this thread we will be considering an extraordinarily candid paper by Stephen Steinlight. Throughout I will refrain from commentary and simply reproduce quotations. I will quote tweet some of these for telegram viewers. Image 1. Here is go. On page 1 Steinlight calls on the Jewish community to cast aside political correctness to discuss immigration. But why? The quiet part is out loud. Image
Jul 7, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
Our system is very opaque, so much so that people like @eugyppius1 believes that there is no one in control of it at all. I've been wanting to present an alternative model to Moldbug's Cathederal for a while. This may be confusing so I will explain it in the thread below. (1/10) The first thing to note is that the system takes the form of an Octopus with 8 tentacles. As per @eugyppius1 there is no "main body", but the 8 tentacles are not equal, there is a clear and explicit hierarchy through which discipline is maintained. (2/10)