Oleksandr Seredyuk 🍉 Profile picture
Oct 19, 2022 21 tweets 9 min read
Today, russian war criminals removed the monument to the victims of Holodomor in Mariupol.
Let's do a 🧵on the logic and the background of such decisions and, most importantly, why this is done.
1/ Let's break it down through claims:
1) Hunger was a thing and it was in many regions.
Explainer: indeed, hunger happened at least 3 times. The early 1920s, 1932-33, and after WW2 years. Natural droughts or other conditions impeded the land from producing food. Image
Oct 13, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
A short 🧵on the ensuing ruptures in the ranks of the russian military/population.

They are growing. As reported by quite populous telegram channels, mobiks are already dying at the frontlines. Whose fault is it? 1/ Essentially, the disconnect between reality and the hopes putin had are inching closer together to finally merge as one. Partial mobilization "should have been done" 6 months ago. But putin's goal was to achieve more in the short term. 2/
Sep 4, 2022 9 tweets 10 min read
@laplacian28 @jypehama @noclador @minna_alander Oh most definitely. When I reread the 1991-1993 files for my research, the language was so tense. American senators (L. Pressler, for instance), who went to the Baltics were legitimately scared that without proper pressure, all three would be attacked @laplacian28 @jypehama @noclador @minna_alander I will be adding the bits I found here. Please spread and follow me if you'd like more stuff like that coming your way. I do different threads and explainers from time to time.