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He/Him. Voting is a right, not a privilege, and therefore can not be taken away, withheld, or abridged in any way. Pro-Democracy, Voting Rights account.
Sep 22, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Reasons to Vote As Early as Possible for the Nov 8 Midterms:
1. If you know how you’re going to vote doing it as soon as possible allows campaigns to cross you off the list and use their resources to reach undecided or unregistered voters.
1/ #MobilizeForMidterms 2. Revenge: If some random dude took away my right to make my own medical decisions, and then tried to throw me in prison for having a miscarriage. I would want to fire that person as soon as possible. The sooner you vote the sooner we fire these MAGA Republicans. /2