Children Of Exile (Kashmiri Pandits) Profile picture
We the Kashmiri Pandit Children of Exile. Keeping our story alive. The story of who we are & what we were made to endure. We shall reclaim our beloved homeland.
Sep 13, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
1) 7 years ago I went to the camp for the displaced Pandits at Muthi, Jammu. It wasn't the first time I went there. The only difference was that I went with a DSLR. The purpose was to interview some people living there. Interview 1 was with an elderly couple who originally were 2) from a remote village in North Kashmir. They had earlier lived in a tent for 10 years. I had only one question to ask the couple. Describe everything, whatever you remember.

My cameraman friend focused on the elderly man. Close ups and extreme closeups. The lighting was
Sep 12, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
Exile and Dignity by @primosome

1) We lived in the refugee camp for Kashmiri Pandits at Muthi for almost fourteen years. I’ve documented the entire period of life in camps in my short memoir ‘Summers of Exile.’ One of the instances that drew my attention again to those.. 2) days was my sister Vaishali Dhar’s account that was shared recently on this page. She describes a day when the camp was hit by incessant rains and the rain water breached the drains alongside the camp and flooded the quarters of the entire camp. This happened several times..