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Nov 12, 2022 21 tweets 5 min read
Here is a thread on a moment from Y2V6 that greatly shows the growth that Suzune Horikita has underwent and how everything she's been through has been slowly paying off. Though this moment doesn't solely serve to show what Suzune has been through.
#you_zitsu #よう実 #cotetwt ImageImage The moment I would like to focus on is the negotiation between Kekeru Ryūen/Kōhei Katsuragi and Suzune Horikita/(Kiyotaka Ayanokōji).
What I'll be specifically doing here is create a foundation for the next two threads that'll cover both Suzunes and Ryūen's developments/growth.
Nov 1, 2022 28 tweets 6 min read
Here is a thread on an important matter that I wanted to bring more attention towards, that happened to Suzune Horikita in Y2V5. Specifically I am referring to her monologue on chapter 7, when she pondered on the idea of Kikyō Kushida's expulsion.
#you_zitsu #よう実 #cotetwt Image In this thread, I'd like to bring more attention to a specific moment that shows the massive leap, Suzune Horikita has done towards becoming an Exceptional Individual and a competent leader. In addition to, it indirectly establishing/points out, something that also applies to us.
Mar 31, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read
So I've been essentially cornered, in order for me to continue making threads with the freedom that I wanted, I have to talk about the classification that I have for the students based off from what Kiyotaka and other sources have said so far. Image What is an exceptional individual within this school and who are they? I'll go through a couple characters briefly using them as examples while also clearing up Suzune Horikita's development thus far.
Mar 25, 2022 23 tweets 4 min read
Does it make sense for Kiyotaka Ayanokōji to switch classes? My opinion on this has changed greatly over the course of me waiting for Y2V6 and the release of it. Image As many fans should have witnessed, there's this certain part of the Cote fanbse that want Kiyotaka to switch towards Ichinose's class, however their reasons for him to switch is mainly driven by them wanting to ship Ichinose with Kiyotaka.