Mr Okon Profile picture
Affiliate Marketer
May 12, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
You are asking why people still buy information in this Google age?

Well Google is even the major wahala hear

If you go to Google and try to search for "how to make money online", how much information will you get?

Very many information, right?

You will not know which one Will work for you and which one will not.

You will leave Google more confuse than you were before visiting Google.

People buy ebooks they trust because they know that if the content is working for you already, it will work for them also if they implement what they see
May 11, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
Open this, if you will love to know about a business you can start with low capital, and earn high profit.

I mean something you can start with as low as N5000 and then earn over 5million Naira as profit

It's hard to believe, right?

But it's the truth That is why you need to continue to read if you love that kind of business

I came across this business in 2016, but it was in January of 2017, that the business made me my 8months salary in less 40hours.

It is not forex, if that is what you are thinking

It is not mmm