How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App Why's that a problem? Well, the AfD's grand fantasy, like all European fascists, is to kick out all migrants and replace them with white Germans. In other words, they want white German women to breed huge families for them. That's what they mean by ch.6.2 of their manifesto. interesting thing about Germany is how little patience so many voters have had with anything remotely progressive, on either housing or climate. The far-right path isn't going to solve those problems, but it will provide lots of short-term catharsis at foreigners' expense.“My mother was a child in Nazi Germany…I remember her telling us how people initially thought Hitler’s language was exaggerated for dramatic effect…for a time he was a comic figure. As it carried on…fascism became…acceptable and eventually embraced.”… find it very frustrating that Djokovic - please see above - is getting more scrutiny for his "water purifying" views than his nationalism, especially with the political situation in Bosnia as it is now. I get it, the outlandish stuff is funny, but we can't ignore the above. read the above opinion piece for yourselves. It was surprisingly unsurprising. It is not alarmist, it is calmly factual, and it makes no comparison implicit or otherwise with Putin or Erdogan. It merely assesses Boris Johnson's behaviour against the rule of law. Just look at the current political discourse. I’m not saying we shouldn’t name names, just that certain people who are used to being in the spotlight are experts at making the conversation all about them: instead of about the society that produces and enables them.