How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App, live by and express the same values and principles before and after tenure. Before tenure, you are asked to play a different role in the field and in your institution than after. The tradeoff is being shielded from some difficult decisions but having less info and input. seemed to be more agreement than I expected on my main point. Many of the failings were “behavioral” & psychology can identify issues to consider. But we don’t have clear answers that were ready to be implemented or models that made non-ambiguous and correct predictions.'s take a look in the mirror: if Collins had come to us and said "Tell me what you know," what could we actually have said, with a solid scientific basis? meta-analysis does is provide summary estimates from potentially conflicting data. Just like a mean and standard deviation provide useful summaries of individual people's data, meta-analysis does the same thing across studies. "Many studies support the importance of babies seeing caregivers’ faces, and prior to the arrival of COVID-19, many American professional organizations, including the AAP, strongly agreed.", really prominent researchers (including some affiliated with my institution) took the position (even a few weeks ago!) that because there was no RCT proof, it was irresponsible or even harmful to require masks. politics (and in political consulting) there is a fundamental conflict between the mercenaries and the idealists. People sometimes start out as idealists and turn into mercenaries. In the US, on the Democratic side there are plenty of both.