जननी जन्मभूमिश्च स्वर्गादपि गरीयसी, वीर भोग्या वसुन्धरा... How Can One Die Better Than Facing Fearful Odds For The Ashes Of His Fathers And Temples Of His Gods
Jun 2, 2023 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
Why do you find so many Rajput Surnames being used by Gujjars ?
Anthropological studies of Gujjars have shown that most of them CLAIM RAJPUT ANCESTRY !
Reason: Some Rajput Prince took Gujar woman as a Khawas or Concubine !
Claim Chauhan, Tanwar & Other well known septs.
All these Gujjar clans have ridiculously the same story that their “ancestress was a beautiful woman who while going with a water pot… it so pleased the Rajput Chieftain that he took her into the Zenana & thus a new Gotra sprang from this union”
Includes both Gujjar & Jat Women
May 29, 2023 • 18 tweets • 7 min read
Sawai Jai Singh of Amber was a unique personality of the 18 century, not many match his zeal for development & creation of forgotten sciences of astronomy, town planning & architecture when the country was torn by feud, intrigue & rebellion.
He ruled for 44 years, (1699-1743) !
Contemporary of 5 Mughal Emperors, a keen astronomer who propagated the ancient science throughout the country.
5 stone observatories are testimony to his developmental urge.
Ujjain &
Revived old traditions & ushered new celestial observatories !
Feb 23, 2022 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
#23_February is a date etched in stone by the blood of Rajputs in what is exclusively a Rajput tradition of Jauhar & Saka.
No race/community in the world has so oft repeated this unheard of & unparalleled feat of Last Stands so readily over centuries.
It was 23 February 1568 !
Akbar had sat before mighty Chitrakoot (Chittorgarh) for months with resources of an empire aiding his pursuit of personal glory & subjugation of #Hindua_Suraj, Rana of Mewar.
Prima Donna of reigning Hindu Princes. Rana Udai Singh sat on the hallowed throne of Kumbha & Sanga !
Dec 13, 2020 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
#Ambedkar in nutshell by #Arun_Shourie in “Worshiping False Gods... “ !
Shall expose him as we go along this thread...
-Claims of Freedom Fighter.
-Jinnah Protege
-Hatred for Sanatan Dharma.
-British Bootlicker.
-Fake Author of Constitution.
-Divider in Chief.
-FRAUD. https://t.co/1R6Wpwmoy0
Never participated in a SINGLE activity related to Freedom Struggle but cheered every setback.
His letter to AV Alexander Of Cabinet Mission, pleading with British of their ‘moral responsibility ‘ towards SCs. Asserts that ‘Untouchables Won India for British’.