Omar C. Jadwat Profile picture
Director, ACLU Immigrants' Rights Project. Speaking only for myself.
Oct 1, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
This article is absolutely chilling. The man in charge of the executive branch is (1) hostile to the entire concept of the rule of law and (2) wants to make the fantasies of a psychopathic racist into on-the-ground reality… The lives of millions of immigrants here in the United States, and millions more seeking safety or opportunity here, are subject to his whim—unless the people, the courts, and Congress stand in his way.
Mar 13, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Huge story here by @Bob_Ortega: Internal ICE docs show widespread practice of agents falsifying warrants; and "some supervisors even gave their officers **pre-signed blank warrants** — in effect, illegally handing them the authority to begin the deportation process" ""I've had two supervisors since the memo came out. ... My first supervisor would just sign the I-200s; he'd leave them blank and I would fill in the name later. My current supervisor tells us to sign his name for him." Most supervisors in that office do the same, he added.
Aug 9, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
First hearing in this case just concluded, and it was remarkable. During the hearing we learned of government conduct the judge described as "outrageous" -- they'd "spirited away" "people seeking justice in a United States Court" So the purpose of this hearing was to hear argument on our request to stay the removal of our clients while their claims were decided, Government told us and court that they wouldn't deport clients until Friday at earliest so that ct could very quickly decide this question.