Adam Reese Profile picture
Published @mitpress, @FT, @africaarguments, and elsewhere
Mar 12, 2021 30 tweets 6 min read
In 2019, @MPtherealMVP @flakoubay @stinalinneag published a paper called "There's No Such Thing As Blockchain Art." I fell in love with this title as soon as I heard it. (Thread on "blockchain art" in general, and Beeple/Christie's specifically.) It's a statement that conveys, with a wonderful directness, the point that although people from both worlds were trying to mash blockchain + art together, none of these efforts had really resulted in works that couldn't have been created in a blockchainless world.
Jun 8, 2020 27 tweets 12 min read
OK, so at the risk of appearing insane, I'm sharing dozens of implicitly and explicitly racist tweets and retweets (mostly retweets) from @NickSzabo4 over the last two years. First, an explanation... A couple years back, when I was working full-time as a cryptocurrency journalist, I noticed Nick Szabo retweeting a lot of white supremacist content (as well as generic far-right stuff.) I mentioned this to a few people and they were surprised—Nick's racism was news to them