Makena Onjerika Profile picture
Winner @CainePrize 2018| @naiwacademy| #Agnostic| #Feminist| #LGBTQIA+ ally| #mentalhealth| #reproductivehealth| @verygoodcvs| #airbnb owner| #fictioneditor
Mar 16, 2023 42 tweets 8 min read
I've come to the realization that many of us Kenyans didn't have the advantageous of growing up with financially savvy parents who passed on some wisdom. So here is my #personalfinance thread.

1. The best time to start was 20 years ago. The second best time is now... 1/n 2. If you can, save at least 25% of your income per month. You get about 40 years to work. And if you make it to your 90s have about 30 years of living post retirement. Your 40 years of work need to support your 30 years of retirement. So if you can save more than 25%, do it.
Jan 21, 2023 23 tweets 7 min read
Dear Kenyans. 876,416 kids took the #KCSE2022. Only 173,345 of them attained the passing grade of C+ and above. Do we realize that this is a 19.8% pass rate? Do we further realize that the KCSE is actually a basic exam testing the most basic of concepts a child... 1/n should understand in order to be a productive member of our society? Do we realize that the pass rate has not been higher than 30% in decades? Do we see that this means that we have been undereducating 70-80% of our population for decades? 2/n
Oct 1, 2021 33 tweets 8 min read
So, sometimes an African, and mostly Kenyan, writer gets into my DM and asks for help finding an agent. I don't have an agent myself.😂😂😂 But, I thought I should take a moment to explain this publishing business... So Retweet to your how-do-I publish friends or ask questions... 1a. Before you worry about agents/publishing, worry about your writing. Is it good? If the only people who have ever read it are your mum and your best friend and they Looooved!!! it, eehhhh... Have someone who is not invested in not hurting your feeling read it...
Aug 6, 2020 13 tweets 2 min read
Young Kenyan job seekers... A thread on DON'Ts, following my week evaluating job applications at VeryGoodCVs ... I guess no one is telling you these things... So here you go... I welcome other hiring managers to add to these, please...

#IkoKaziKE It's "I'm looking for a job" not "Am looking for a job."

The first = "John is looking for a job" while the second = "Is looking for a job". The subject of your sentence is missing when it starts with "Am" and that looks bad esp. if you are applying for a writing job.
Nov 21, 2018 11 tweets 3 min read
Dear Kenya. Listen, exam cheating has never been the key problem with our education system... A thread... Consider the #KCSE pass rates before and after the #Matiang'i rules in 2016 @DrCarrieM @kenyanpundit

2012 - 28% |2013 -27% | 2014 - 30% | 2015 - 31% | 2016 - 15% | 2017 - 11.5%|