Mrs Maths Profile picture
Maths teacher with adult diagnosis ADHD.
Dec 20, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
So, this is our Christmas story:
Year 6 son collected at end of school day Thurs by grandad (my F-I-L) shivering.
Maybe it was open windows/door with no coat allowed?
LFT just in case… positive.
Isolating at Grandad’s. He slept in coat as fever so bad.
100% caught in school. 1/6 Husband spent 10 mins with son each way in car to&from football practise on Tues. Negative LFT for us both Thurs, Fri, Sat morning. DH had “a bit of a headache Friday evening. After -ive LFT Sat am, went for booster in N95 mask at lunch time Sat. Flu like symptoms&poor sleep.