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#MakeAmericaDecentAgain #ApprehendIndictProsecuteTerrorists #DefendDemocracy #GOPaccoubtability #StandUp
Jan 7, 2021 • 6 tweets • 6 min read
@SandraC11538460 @JohannaDHopper @DanScavino @JasonMillerinDC No one forced the faithful to follow Jim Jones. Manson, or Heaven’s Gate. There are vulnerabilities in humans, making them susceptible to influencers that strike a chord, offer belonging, validate fears. MAGA Leaders must be held accountable for what they incite. @SandraC11538460 @JohannaDHopper @DanScavino @JasonMillerinDC You assume violent actors are in a completely rational, self directed reality. They aren’t. Everyone and everything swims in a soup of context. The less contact with differing perspectives, the more likely indoctrination becomes. It is so from evangelicals to boot camp to Qanon.
Oct 22, 2020 • 12 tweets • 11 min read
“Mr. Ratcliffe’s focus on the intelligence about Iran would potentially benefit Mr. Trump politically.”

NYT article in thread below:
#RussianDisinformation #Dragonfly #FSB_KGB… #FSB #VoteInfrastructure #RussianDisinformation #DNI #Ratcliffe #Intel
Oct 21, 2020 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
With no Trump Hospitality properties in China, the hospitality LLC (Trump Hotels) made $17.5 million in 2017. “The charge that Biden has secret ties to China, and ... is helping him win, is intended to offset the no-longer-secret relationship between Trump and Russia... we see the accusation serves a second purpose: It obscures Trump’s own undisclosed financial relationship with China.”