@SandraC11538460@JohannaDHopper@DanScavino@JasonMillerinDC No one forced the faithful to follow Jim Jones. Manson, or Heaven’s Gate. There are vulnerabilities in humans, making them susceptible to influencers that strike a chord, offer belonging, validate fears. MAGA Leaders must be held accountable for what they incite.
@SandraC11538460@JohannaDHopper@DanScavino@JasonMillerinDC You assume violent actors are in a completely rational, self directed reality. They aren’t. Everyone and everything swims in a soup of context. The less contact with differing perspectives, the more likely indoctrination becomes. It is so from evangelicals to boot camp to Qanon.
Oct 22, 2020 • 12 tweets • 11 min read
“Mr. Ratcliffe’s focus on the intelligence about Iran would potentially benefit Mr. Trump politically.”
“The charge that Biden has secret ties to China, and ... is helping him win, is intended to offset the no-longer-secret relationship between Trump and Russia... we see the accusation serves a second purpose: It obscures Trump’s own undisclosed financial relationship with China.”