OTUNBA COFFEE ☕️ Profile picture
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Oct 28, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
I prioritize my purchases & avoid unnecessary expenses cause when I go broke, NOBODY sends me money as a gift.

It's either I work for my next funds or I take a loan. So if you ask me for money and I don't give..don't get mad at me.

Remember these;

I can be broke
I do not owe you a debt
I have personal & relationship responsibilities.
Jan 21, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
If you're a Nigerian from an average family that graduated from a public university with no connection with influencial people in this society, and have decided to be successful without doing anything illegal/criminal.

Your road to success will be very difficult to thread. You'll find it difficult to get a job, you'll find it difficult to raise capital for your business.

You'll be growing older and getting worried cause you're not finding your growth rate the way you have planned it.

Trust me, it's the system. It will make it hard and harder
Jul 30, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
Dear CEO of small-scale business,

If you want to grow from being self-employed to being a business owner, then read this thread, learn and share it.

If you aren't doing 5/6 of what is enlisted in this thread, your business will crawl, probably not walk and never fly PAYROLL

No matter how small your profit is, put yourself on a payroll even if it is as low as 5k or 1k. You are the only worker in the company and it's your salary for the month, accept it and record it as expenses. That way, you won't spend into your capital.