Wednesdays Profile picture
A colorful video game about growing up after child sexual abuse. Made by Pierre Corbinais (ex @Oujevipo) and a bunch of amazing folks. TBA soon!
Dec 18, 2024 40 tweets 12 min read
Wednesdays is a video game about growing up after child sexual abuse.

I can't tell you much more about it yet, because it has not been properly announced, but I can tell you everything about the wonderful people making it. #wednesdays Key art for Wednesdays. Drawing of a man standing, a hand in his pocket. He has a translucent cube in place of a head. The man is in pink on a vanilla background, we can see roofs from a city in the distance. Behind him, several blue silhouettes seem supportive. Above, the title, in pink : Wednesdays Let’s answer the question that you’re dying to ask: “Who made the gorgeous key art we just saw above?”

Well, that’s @exaheva And I have great news for you: she’s also the one who hand-drew the whole game (yes, hand-drew—you read that right!). pencil portrait of a woman with long brown hair and big eyes. She’s wearing a tank top and a choker. She’s holding her phone like she’s taking a selfie
Dec 28, 2020 16 tweets 7 min read
Vous avez peut-être lu que l’An 21 ( se voulait un hommage à l’An 01. Mais c’est quoi l’An 01 au juste ? Petite rétrospective ⬇️⬇️⬇️ L’An 01 est une bande dessinée de Georges Blondeaux, dit Gébé, publiée sous forme de feuilleton dans Politique Hebdo, Charlie Mensuel et Charlie Hebdo entre 1970 et 1972. Il y a un demi-siècle, donc.
Mar 26, 2019 101 tweets 24 min read
Back in 1996, french singer Etienne Daho had an usual idea : to include a video game in his new CD album "Eden". Yep, you guessed it : here comes a twitter thread ! The CD was split in two partitions, one for the music, one for the game. This was called an “extra cd” or “enhanced cd”.
Jul 11, 2018 13 tweets 4 min read
Day 31. Steam still hasn't approved or rejected NSFWare. On June 6th, @erikatvalve wrote "we've decided that the right approach is to allow everything onto the Steam Store, except for things that we decide are illegal, or straight up trolling."
I wonder in which category NSFWare falls.