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Feb 7 • 21 tweets • 9 min read
The key to unlocking your metabolism, mood, energy and gut health is sitting under your tongue being ignored by your doctor.
This is the ULTIMATE AND COMPLETE GUIDE TO THYROID HEALTH so you can optimize it:
The most COMMON symptoms of poor thyroid function are:
◇ Always being COLD
◇ Constantly being TIRED (no matter how much you sleep)
◇ Poor mood.
But bad thyroid health can manifest in seemingly infinite ways.
Here are some of the symptoms documented by Broda Barnes, MD
Feb 4 • 18 tweets • 7 min read
40% of people have this, and most don't even know it.
This is a fatty liver, and you can have it even if you're skinny.
If you do nothing about it, it can kill you.
Here's how it happens, and what to do to fix it:
The liver is the body's central hub for metabolism, including that of fat.
The problems arise when the liver has more fat than it can deal with.
There are 3 sources of fat the liver deals with:
1. Fat from the diet 2. Fat it makes from carbs 3. Free fatty acids from the fat tissue
There are 2 ways the liver can get rid of fat:
1. Burn it for energy 2. Send it back into the blood for other organs
If you have more of the first 3 than the second 2, you get a fatty liver. Pretty simple - it's an imbalance of fat metabolism in the liver.
But what actually causes this imbalance?
Feb 2 • 14 tweets • 5 min read
Zinc Carnosine is, without question, one of THE most powerful supplements to help heal your gut.
It is a potent anti-inflammatory and treats a ton of symptoms.
Let's talk about the science and how to implement it:
Zinc carnosine prevents "leaky gut."
37.5 mg, 2x daily, completely halted the permeability in the intestine.
This permeability drives:
• Various gut symptoms
• Food intolerance
• Systemic inflammation
Jan 27 • 16 tweets • 6 min read
N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) is potent anti-aging medicine.
It extends lifespan, lowers inflammation, improves metabolism and even sexual function.
Let's cover the numerous benefits, the science and how you can implement it:
N-Acetylcysteine + glycine increases lifespan by ~25%.
As precursors to the master antioxidant glutathione, this combination:
✓ Reduces organ damage
✓ Preserves mitochondrial function
even at low amounts.
Jan 24 • 37 tweets • 12 min read
CANDIDA: The cause of your terrible gut health and fatigue that your doctor has no idea how to fix.
Here’s how to know if you have it, what causes it and what to do about it:
◇ A coated tongue (more towards the front)
◇ Crohn’s or UC
◇ Bloating
◇ Brain fog
◇ Gas
◇ Nausea
◇ Constipation
◇ Diarrhea
◇ A lack of appetite
◇ Fatigue
Are all signs of a fungal overgrowth, the most common of which is Candida.
Jan 21 • 19 tweets • 7 min read
Over 1,000,000,000 people are low on this nutrient
It’s a mineral you may have never even heard of,
But it helps eliminate fatigue, insulin resistance, and even gut inflammation.
SELENIUM - the benefits, science, and how to get enough:
Stress destroys thyroid function - Selenium corrects it.
◇ Increases active thyroid hormone (T3)
◇ Decreases inactive reverse T3
after stress.
T3 is the primary hormone responsible for making us feel energized, among countless other functions.
Jan 19 • 22 tweets • 14 min read
I spent over $1,000 on lab testing to optimize my health.
I wanted to dive deep into my metabolism to see what I could discover.
So deep, you probably haven’t even heard of most of these metrics.
Here’s everything I learned:
Most lab testing is not truly root cause oriented.
Any interruption in any of these interconversions can drive an excess or deficiency of another compound, which does the same for another, and so on.
This also means any interruption in any of these reactions can drive essentially any symptom or disease, depending on the person, and what compounds get influenced.
This means that things you wouldn't classically think could happen, can.
Energy is what ties all of this together. All of these reactions are dependent on energy. If you can't generate energy, you have nothing.
Thus, energy is the ultimate root cause, its focus the ultimate holistic frontier.
What else causes interruptions in this beautiful chain?
• Toxins
• Genetics
• Stress
• History
• Environmental factors
• Nutrient deficiencies
• Infections
• Gut issues
& the list goes on.
Advanced testing can go a long way to identify exactly where in the system things are out of whack.
So, that’s what I did.
Jan 18 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Pregnenolone is my number 1 supplement of all time.
The reason you can’t lose weight (or keep it off) no matter how hard you try.
LEPTIN: why it’s SO important and how to optimize yours to boost your metabolism and finally stay thin for life.
These animals get uncontrollably fat even on a normal diet.
Simply because their leptin doesn’t work properly.
◇ Regulates appetite
◇ Increases metabolism
When we get fat, we produce tons of leptin - but the brain does not sense it properly, so it’s like we barely have any at all.
When we lose fat, our leptin levels drop too low, which slows down our metabolism and ups our appetite, making it almost certain that we regain the weight.
These systems in place are there to keep us fat when the body senses it is necessary.
Let's talk about its benefits, the science + how to use it yourself:
L-Theanine completely stops cortisol.
200 mg. It increases:
• Dopamine
• Glycine
while lowering serotonin and glutamate in the brain, all of which suppresses the HPA axis and thus cortisol release.
Jan 7 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
N-Acetylcysteine is a mental health marvel.
From anxiety, to ADHD, autism and even suicidal depression, it acts as a master mood stabilizer.
Let's talk about the benefits of NAC, the science and how to use it yourself:
N-Acetylcysteine cuts OCD in half.
Titrated up to 2.4g per day (as add on treatment).
NAC works here by reducing glutamate release from neurons.
This glutamate is responsible for "excitatory" brain processes, which in excess can contribute to OCD.
Jan 4 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
These benefits continue to astonish me.
Anti-cancer, improves sleep, anti-inflammatory and even a performance enhancing drug.
Let's talk about the dirt cheap super-medicine, BAKING SODA:
Baking soda stops prostate cancer.
Animals given 16 g / L baking soda in water:
• Stopped cancer in 70%
• "minimal well differentiated cancer in the remainder"
• Shrank avg tumor size
• Doubled lifespan
Extracellular acidity promotes cancer - baking soda combats this
Jan 1 • 19 tweets • 7 min read
The dessert that protects against diabetes, cavities, inflammation and even cancer.
You won't believe the incredible benefits of RAW HONEY:
Raw honey shrinks tumors by 85%.
Honey improved anti-cancer immunity by:
• Improving phagocytic activity (macrophages)
• Stimulated B & T cell production in bone marrow
• Increased antibody production
due to its unique phenolic compounds.
A broad spectrum immune enhancer.
Dec 27, 2024 • 22 tweets • 9 min read
You have been LIED TO about lactose intolerance.
You probably don't have it, even if you think you do.
And if you do actually have it, you can cure it.
The truth about "lactose intolerance" (and what to do to overcome it):
The narrative is:
1. You need the lactase enzyme to digest lactose in milk 2. Most people lose this enzyme with age (or if you don't have the genes) 3. Therefore, most people cannot digest milk in adulthood and are lactose intolerant
However, there is far more to the story....
Dec 24, 2024 • 33 tweets • 11 min read
Here is the ULTIMATE PROTOCOL for preventing + curing your sickness this winter (& why it works):1. VITAMIN C
◇ Improves immune clearance of pathogens
◇ Antioxidant protection
◇ Collagen production (forms physical barriers to infection)
◇ Vital for development of immune cell differentiation (gene regulation)
Dec 19, 2024 • 27 tweets • 12 min read
90% of men are low on testosterone nowadays, and the problem is only getting worse.
But what should we do about it?
This is your FULL GUIDE to TESTOSTERONE - the fundamentals you MUST address to optimize your levels:1. DIET FOR TESTOSTERONE
Seed oils lower testosterone.
Compared to coconut or olive oil, they:
➜ Lower test producing enzymes
➜ Lower cholesterol in the testicles
➜ Cause testicular oxidative damage
cholesterol in the testicles directly fuels T production.
Dec 17, 2024 • 18 tweets • 7 min read
DHEA: a fountain of youth.
For lowering cortisol, improving cognitive function & mood, vibrant skin and fat loss, it might be just what you need.
Here’s why researchers have called aging “DHEA deficiency syndrome:”
DHEA nearly cuts cortisol in half.
Supplemented at 25 mg per day.
DHEA directly acts on the enzyme that produces cortisol and suppresses its production.
With aging and disease, cortisol rises relative to DHEA.
Dec 14, 2024 • 30 tweets • 20 min read
STOP focusing on DHT & finasteride for male pattern baldness ("androgenetic alopecia").
Here's what doctors won't tell you... the REAL PROBLEM BEHIND PATTERN BALDNESS:
First off, I would like to say that:
I am NOT
1. bald or have ever been 2. claiming DHT is irrelevant
1. Claiming we should not FOCUS on lowering testosterone or DHT, and that androgens nor genetics are the TRUE ROOT CAUSE of MPB. 2. Claiming DHT is necessary for male pattern baldness, BUT NOT SUFFICIENT.
To give the androgen - genetic model its credit:
1. There is strong heritability of baldness 2. DHT is higher in balding scalp 3. Stopping DHT can help regrow hair 4. DHT can shrink hair follicles through the androgen receptor 5. Genetic variations in the androgen receptor can drive it 6. People with no androgens are immune from baldness
Seems like an open and shut case, but let's get into why blaming androgens is actually silly.
Dec 10, 2024 • 25 tweets • 8 min read
Getting old sucks. Especially for your brain.
Here are 6 tools to help keep you sharp, your brain young and cognitive decline away:1. CREATINE
Creatine is therapeutic for cognitive decline.
Those who accumulate the notorious Tau and Beta Amyloid proteins in the brain have impaired creatine metabolism,
but supplying creatine back combats this, protecting neurons and reducing protein accumulation.
Dec 9, 2024 • 28 tweets • 12 min read
The poisons WRECKING your health that your doctor doesn’t want to talk about.
This is the COMPLETE GUIDE to TOXIC HEAVY METALS - how you get exposed, sick, and what to do about it:
The main heavy metals of concern are aluminum, nickel, cadmium, lead, arsenic, and mercury.
Due to pollution and industrialization, these elements that normally reside deep in the earth have been introduced to our environment in unprecedented amounts.
As a result, heavy metals have made their way into damn near every aspect of our modern lives.
● Vegetables - due to soil contamination
● Grains (especially brown rice)
● Canned foods - using metals
● Chocolate (especially dark)
● Pesticides - which incorporate heavy metals
● Seafood (especially larger fish) - as the ocean gets contaminated from pollution
● Vaccines - used as preservatives
● Water
● Medical devices
● Cigarettes / vapes
● The air itself
● Supplements
● Dental devices
● Utensils
● Aluminum foil
● Cookware (+ utensils)
● Drugs
● Jewelry
● Tattoos
● Glassware
● Cars (especially working on engines)
● Batteries
● Wires
● Paint (especially old)
● Piping
● Sewage
● Ceramic
● Gasoline / oil
● Grills/charcoal
● Personal care products
● Cosmetics
● Baking powder
● Food additives
If you work in a lab, with batteries, cars, if you’re a welder, electrician, or any type of manual labor that requires contact with metal, oil, gas, or other industrial processes, chances are you’re getting disproportionately exposed to these.