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Oct 7 14 tweets 6 min read
Literally a handful of these a day can:

𓋼 Prevent cancer by nearly 50%
𓋼 Prevent cognitive decline by 75%
𓋼 Boost mood
𓋼 Restore digestive health
𓋼 Increase lifespan

& more.

Let's talk about the incredible benefits of EDIBLE MUSHROOMS (no not the tripping kind).

THREAD:Image Common mushrooms prevent cancer.

The white button mushroom was able to reduce:

· Tumor weight
· Cancer proliferation

while promoting cancer cell death.

They contain various compounds with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory & immune regulatory ability.Image
Oct 5 18 tweets 7 min read
50% of people are deficient in this vitamin.

It heals the gut, grows the brain, can boost testosterone and gives us glowing skin.

These are the miraculous benefits of VITAMIN A, plus how to make sure you get enough.

THREAD:Image Vitamin A is HIGHLY therapeutic for inflammatory bowel disease.

25,000 IU / d:

⬩Reduced severe disease by over HALF
⬩3-4X'd gut healing

in ulcerative colitis.

Vitamin A supports gut immunity and lowers serotonin,

both of which are dysregulated in gut inflammation.Image
Oct 4 18 tweets 9 min read
There's a 3 in 4 chance you're low on this nutrient.

It heals fatigue, anxiety, depression, sleep problems, even ADHD.

This is ULTIMATE GUIDE to MAGNESIUM: its incredible benefits & how to get enough.

THREADImage Magnesium cuts fatigue in half.

People with persistent fatigue have depleted magnesium stores,

but after 6 weeks of magnesium, subjective energy level improves by over 50%.

Magnesium is necessary to form cellular energy in the form of ATP.Image
Oct 1 22 tweets 7 min read
If you are always tired, this is for you.

Here are 5 SUPPLEMENTS that might just help with your fatigue, and how to use them.

THREAD:Image 1. THIAMINE (VITAMIN B1) megadosing completely cures fatigue.

600-1,500 mg of thaimine (B1) daily abolished chronic fatigue metrics

in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.Image
Sep 29 18 tweets 7 min read
The animal-based, anti-aging nutrient you aren't getting enough of.

It protects the brain, reduces inflammation, stress, insulin resistance, and might even grow your hair.

The benefits of TAURINE are boundless:Image Taurine extends lifespan.

Taurine levels drop with age,

but giving animals taurine increases lifespan by >10%, halting the signs of aging such as:

→ Increased DNA damage
→ Telomerase deficiency
→ Impaired mitochondrial function
→ Cellular senescenceImage
Sep 27 20 tweets 9 min read
Researchers have called it the guardian of the gut.

It is a godsend for IBS, Crohn’s, Ulcerative Colitis and even colon cancer.

Why BUTYRATE might be your key optimal digestion + gut health:Image You are looking at a dramatic improvement in colon tumors by using butyrate in animals.


⬩KILLS colon cancer cells
⬩STOPS metastasis
⬩SHRINKS tumors

Cancer is a metabolic disease, and butyrate is the primary metabolic fuel of the colon.Image
Sep 25 14 tweets 6 min read
Hair loss doesn't have to be permanent.

Here are 7 non-pharmaceutical, clinically backed tools to regrow hair:Image Regrowing hair in androgenic alopecia with taurine, caffeine, and lactoferrin.

This combination:

‣ Decreased hair follicle aging
‣ Decreased scalp inflammation
‣ Restored hair follicle metabolism
‣ Improved scalp antioxidant status

Sep 22 21 tweets 7 min read
If you are cold, tired, have brain fog or have ANY of these symptoms, you’re probably hypothyroid.

Here are the 5 MOST IMPORTANT NUTRIENTS for thyroid function, & how to get enough of each:Image 1. SELENIUM

Needed for the conversion of the inactive T4 thyroid hormone to the active hormone T3.

This process is very commonly impaired, leading to hypothyroid symptoms,

even when your bloodwork "is normal."Image
Sep 18 23 tweets 15 min read
The most incredible healing food on the planet has been BANNED.

It is a godsend for digestion, prevents allergies, lowers inflammation and even improves cognition.

Why RAW MILK is a superfood:Image Raw milk is remarkably protective against allergic disease.

Consumption of unpasteurized milk has shown to reduce risk of:

• Asthma
• Allergic rhinitis
• Eczema

By 30-50%.

This effect is not seen in those consuming commercial milk.Image
Sep 12 13 tweets 5 min read
You probably experience these things, but think nothing of it.

Here are 5 "normal" signs that your health is deteriorating,

+ what causes them, & what to do about it:Image 1. FOAMY URINE - a "normal" sign of poor health.

The urine contains a few soap-like substances:

→ Fatty acids
→ Bile acids

These cause the urine to be thick + foamy.

It is normal for the urine to be foamy in the morning,

but if it is ALWAYS like this, something's wrong.Image
Sep 7 23 tweets 8 min read
It heals the gut & skin, reduces inflammation & fatigue, and massively boosts sexual health.

That's just scratching the surface.

The benefits of ZINC are nearly endless:Image Zinc rapidly repairs the gut.

The gut can be broken down by bacterial toxins (LPS) or high doses of antibiotics, but zinc gluconate:

• Alleviates digestive symptoms
• Prevents "leaky gut"
• Decreases pathogenic bacteria

possibly the #1 nutrient for digestion.Image
Sep 5 18 tweets 6 min read
Your health will never improve if you don't focus on what really matters.

Here are 8 lifestyle factors that you NEED to start doing to achieve your best health.Image 1. GO IN NATURE

It's been shown that simply being in nature powerfully reduces cortisol levels,

an effect not seen when in an urban environment.Image
Sep 5 4 tweets 1 min read
The "wait you can actually get get rid of that??" starter pack:

• Hair loss
• Depression
• Eye floaters
• Cavities
• Anxiety
• Allergies
• Hair greying
• Vision blurring
• Stretch marks
Sep 3 20 tweets 7 min read
You can literally live longer, become stronger, lower inflammation & protect your brain without supplements, drugs, diet or exercise.

Your choices & mindset dictate your health more than anything else.

We have the science to prove it:Image THINKING about training increases strength.

People instructed to simply imagine the process of exercise had 10-30% increases in strength.Image
Sep 2 15 tweets 6 min read
Raw milk is NOT the hazard we have been told it is.

The risks of it have been massively overblown by the media and government health organizations.

In fact, statistically, getting sick from it is almost impossible.

Let’s take a look at the numbers⬇️Image Infectious disease outbreaks from raw milk almost never happen.

Outbreaks across the US happen <10 times per year

The vast majority of these effect fewer than 38 people.

Consider that ONE big dairy can produce 1,000,000 gallons of raw milk yearly.

The risk is miniscule.Image
Aug 26 23 tweets 8 min read
These tools hold the keys to healthy digestion.

7 MORE SUPPLEMENTS TO HELP HEAL YOUR GUT (and how to use them):Image 1. ZINC

37.5 mg, 2x daily (zinc carnosine) completely halted permeability of the intestine.

This permeability drives:

• Various gut symptoms
• Food intolerance
• Systemic inflammationImage
Aug 25 24 tweets 16 min read
That treat in your freezer might be the healthiest food in your house.

It is FULL of nutrients that increase metabolism and even protect against cancer, obesity and heart disease.

This is why ICE CREAM is GOOD for you:Image Cow milk derived fat crushes liver cancer.

The MAIN component of ice cream almost completely obliterated the growth of these cancer cells.

The milk fat acted on similar pathways to many cancer drugs:

• HDAC inhibition
• Antioxidation
• pJAK-2 and pSTAT-3 suppressionImage
Aug 22 48 tweets 20 min read
Cancer is complicated.

Unfortunately, most treatments are very simple.

These are the 10 hallmarks of cancer,

and what I would do to address each one.Image This is NOT MEDICAL ADVICE.

This is just what I think is going on, and what I would do if I had cancer.

A key idea here is that most cancer “treatment” is just killing cells indiscriminately.

My approach would be root cause oriented.

Let’s get into the hallmarks of cancer.
Aug 16 22 tweets 16 min read
The miracle medicine that’s sitting in your kitchen, and costs you almost nothing.

It sheds fat, improves insulin resistance, stops kidney stones, and might even turn cancer cells back to normal.

The benefits of VINEGAR will absolutely blow your mind:Image This is vinegar literally turning cancer cells back into normal.

Acetic acid (acetate) is the main chemical component of vinegar

here it forces the differentiation of brain cancer cells back to neurons.Image
Aug 2 18 tweets 6 min read
You should be careful with vitamin B3 (niacin, niacinamide, nicotonic acid, nicotinamide) supplements.

They could be causing insulin resistance, inflammation & other issues.

Let me explain: Vitamin B3 (niacin, nicotinic acid) is often used to lower lipids: cholesterol and triglycerides.

Niacin works by lowering the amount of free fatty acids that come out of the fat tissue,

which means the liver has less substrate to synthesize the aforementioned lipids from.Image
Jul 25 19 tweets 7 min read
Quitting sugar really improved this guy's health.

Good video.

Only one problem: it's full of lies.

Sugar gets a bad rep because of countless reports like this.

Let's unveil the truth behind it⬇️ Image Not trying to pick on this guy - but it's a good example as it is very representative of many people's experience "quitting sugar," and why so many people think it is bad.

Without addressing any of the health claims made in the video, let's just talk about his experience.Image