Elected Official: Republican PCO for 28-556 (2024-2026). Basically, everything I say is stump, campaign, or political speech. #Washington47
3 subscribers
Nov 29, 2024 • 7 tweets • 5 min read
#OBSTRUCTION: Today is 11/29/2024, and I start my Elected Precinct Committee Officer (28-556) position on 12/1/2024. @PierceGOP is obstructing me and at least 2 other people from discharging our duties.
This is a premeditated conspiracy among the PCRP Executive Board to PREVENT ME from voting AGAINST current Board Members for re-election. Beyond denying my vote, they are even denying my attendance to the meeting -- in clear violation of RCW 29A.80.061
#CONSPIRACY: This behavior began as far back as March, 2024 (prior to any vote having allegedly occurred by the same board). It involved the same procedural ruse of "refusing membership payments" to block me from participation.
However, the law makes no mention of any requirement for membership payments. There is further no authority to deny entrance to the meeting of an elected PCO, regardless of "membership" standing.
These are the members of the @PierceGOP Executive Board who are unlawfull engaging in a conspiracy to obstruct multiple PCO's from discharging their official duties:
Nov 22, 2024 • 21 tweets • 7 min read
Katrina Johnson introduced herself as "Black Lives Matter, King County - a Statewide Agency"... on the WA-DVE zoom public meeting?
Several of the attendees have identified their goal as "protecting the community [from Trump]".
Nov 17, 2024 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
#FUNFACTS: So, I typically don't get too thick into this on background, but if you are allegedly plotting to attack police - you don't usually try and meet with them to discuss your filming activities as a journalist. He never called me, btw.
#PayMoreGetLess: Seattle Public Schools is planning to cut 20 elementary schools. The district is in a $100-million-dollar budget deficit, combined with declining enrollment (due to woke policies and student safety issues).
#INSANE: Look at the recent amount of money raised solely by levies, if you want to understand this WILD OVERSPENDING PROBLEM that @SeaPubSchools has...
$ 1.4B (2020-2025); and $783M (2023-2028) over 8 years, with another levy coming up in 2025 on the ballot. That is $ 2B over 8 years, or $ 250M a year, for 109 schools and 51,443 students. Pre-schools (39); elementary schools (79); middle schools (30); and high schools (21).
That's $ 4,859 per student in JUST LEVIES. They are actually spending $ 20K per student, which means they are spending a total of $1.02B a year!
Aug 19, 2024 • 18 tweets • 5 min read
#POLISCI101: Alright folks, it's time for the PRIMER on Platforms, Parties, and Policies. This will cover the entirety of the WSRP 2024 Platform, too -- so, thank you for taking the time to read it.
P.S. - This is going to be a long-thread, so I will do an unroll (via the @threadreaderapp) when I am done.
#PLATFORM: In the traditional sense, a #Platform is something you can stand on, typically with other people. Like a boarding platform in a train or a subway. Not so much like a diving platform, because that's usually for a single person - plus, you don't typically want to jump off of your platform anymore than you have to (in politics) 🇺🇸
So, what that means in terms of politics is that your platform is a set of policies that you commit to, for the purpose of sharing with others. It's a guide that you try and stay true to. It defines the belief system.
Aug 16, 2024 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
#WUT: So, there have been 693 ballots returned to DROP BOXES from OUT OF STATE ADDRESSES...
#ALSO: 436 Ballots Returned by Email... from out of state addresses. Many appear to be APO, DPO, and FPO (Military):
Aug 11, 2024 • 8 tweets • 5 min read
#BIGDATA: Here are the DATA EXPORT files available from the @SecStateWA for the 2024 Primary Election in #waelex, for those who want to slice and dice it up:
#FYI: @SkyNetSocialNet has begun importing election results data into #TheBrain for deep analysis. Here is a SQL code snippet they wanted to share with everyone for data-cleanup -- in this case they imported the CSV for the State Executive results into a table:
-- Clean-Up Results
UPDATE [dbo].[WA_Primary2024_StateResults] SET Party = REPLACE(Party, '(Prefers ', '')
UPDATE [dbo].[WA_Primary2024_StateResults] SET Party = REPLACE(Party, ')', '')
UPDATE [dbo].[WA_Primary2024_StateResults] SET Party = NULL WHERE Party LIKE '%No Party Preference%' OR Party=''
UPDATE [dbo].[WA_Primary2024_StateResults] SET Party = 'Republican Party' WHERE Party LIKE '%Republican%'
UPDATE [dbo].[WA_Primary2024_StateResults] SET Party = 'Democratic Party' WHERE Party LIKE '%Democrat%'
-- Query Data
SELECT Race, Candidate, Party, Votes, ROUND(PercentageOfTotalVotes, 2) AS PercentageOfTotalVotes, JurisdictionName FROM [dbo].[WA_Primary2024_StateResults] ORDER BY Race ASC, Party ASC, Votes DESC
Jul 11, 2024 • 28 tweets • 4 min read
#LIVE: The #BigBoyPressConference just started... and he managed to mumble his first two sentences, and he's slurring his words (in general).
Biden is now trashing Trump for wanting with withdraw from NATO. Biden believes NATO obligates the US to wage war against Russia to defend Ukraine against Russia (and Putin).
Jun 24, 2024 • 17 tweets • 11 min read
#BirdDroppings: Here is the definitive list of material assets that refute the specious claims of "fraud" and "stolen valor" as pushed, parroted, and slung against Semi Bird, by Dave Reichert and his media alliance (Antebi / Rantz, Kruse, Hoffman, KVI, KTTH, et al).
#TLDNR: You can bookmark this and share it when you have some pro-Reichert doorknob spewing the narrative that: Supporting Bird as the WSRP endorsed candidate for Governor in #Election2024 is somehow "dividing the party" and not "unity".
Let's be clear, Semi is highly endorsed and has taken the high road by not mudslinging or muckraking. His GOP opponent has aligned himself with a group of dirtbags who lack class, candor, honor, and validity. It's why they are hitting Semi Bird - THEY CAN'T WIN HONESTLY.
#CONTINUED: (pages 5-8)
Jun 20, 2024 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
#NARRATIVE: Take a closer look at the spin on this:
"... the GOMR and Bird’s response were in the permanent file in 2010, not a restricted file (at least at the time it was written). Both documents were still in the permanent file in 2011 when they were saved."
Stolen documents, not accurately reflecting the true-record of Bird... like I said.
#DEEPDIVE: Amber articulates the issues here, very well:
2024 Washington Elections RINO Cheat Sheet
Here's a quick cheat-sheet for everyone...
🤵Jason Rantz (aka Jason Antebi) is a Director at MyNorthwest / KTTH and has hit Bird repeatedly
🤵Ari Hoffman is part of KVI, and many of the other KVI personalities (like John Carlton) are hitting Bird
🤵Brandi Kruse used to work for Q13, and frequently collaborated with KTTH and does speaking events for Gordon, Heywood, Let's Go Washington, Future / Project 42; and frequently hits Bird
🤵Steve Gordon, Brian Heywood own Future 42 / Project 42, and Let's Go Washington; and frequently hit Bird
🤵Steve Gordon owns Concerned Taxpayers Alliance of Washington
🤵Reichert is a Board Advisor for Mainstream Republicans of Washington (he's promoted by Pierce, Thurston, Snohomish GOP) - and the above media personalities frequently push candidates from MRW; he was also a Sheriff in Snohomish and a Congressman for CD8
🐘Pierce endorsed Reichert
🐘Thurston County GOP lists Thurston Mainstream Republicans on their website
🐘Snohomish lists Bird as the State candidate, but Reichert has a history there and there is quiet / backroom support at play with several usurpers there
🤵Reichert does NOT mention any County GOP or MRW endorsements or Future 42 on his website!
💰KTTH & MyNorthwest are owned by Bonneville Media
💰KVI is owned by Lotus Communications, who owns SINCLAIR MEDIA.
💰Let's Go Washington is pushing the initiatives, along with Kruse and KTTH / KVI.
💰Future 42 / Project 42 provides sponsorship to Kruse.
💰Heywood is a billionaire and Gordon has $ 300M+
#ADVICE: I would avoid voting for ALL of these candidates for #Election2024 #walex listed on this page - unless they have the WSRP endorsement:
#FALSECLAIMS: Since we have a few Reichert-anchored media personalities using the term "Stolen Valor", I thought it would be a good idea to talk about what that actually means -- we'll use the 2005 Act since that applies to the alleged 2009 acts:
#KruseControl: Alright folks, as you know I do a long-post sometimes, and this one is about "protected speech" aka #1A.
I reached out to an attorney I know this morning and had a discussion about Brandi's freak-out and shared the comms chain with him. Here is a breakdown of how libel [written] and defamation [spoken] works in Washington State...
In my circumstance:
[1] Brandi refuted the claims that I had made - claims which I had heard from multiple users on X, as well as from anonymous sources.
[2] She didn't formally ask for a retraction or a correction, but actually corrected it herself in line with my statement -- that qualifies as a published correction, by the way.
[3] She didn't contact me by DM when requested, either, but she did engage me by threatening legal action; and then engaged her followers to "uncover my identity" so she could "sue me", and further claimed my intent was malicious.
[4] She then proceeded to post maligned content about me.
[5] I deleted my original post, as a retraction. I wasn't actually required to do so by law.
[6] There are no standing claims for Brandi, although I actually have a standing claim.
Here is the breakdown of the Law at play here:
In 2013, the Washington State Legislature passed the Uniform Correction or Clarification of Defamation Act, the stated intent of which is to “provide strong incentives for individuals to promptly correct or clarify an alleged false statement as an alternative to costly litigation.”
Applying the Law
There was no malice element, which she has the burden of proving in court. While she alleged malice, having her feelings hurt or getting triggered by someone talking about who funds you isn't the legal standard for malice. There is no malice element under RCW 7.96, either.
A Plaintiff must prove "intent" under RCW 7.96.010. The intent must be wanton. Anonymous sources are protected information.
Any person accused of defamatory statements has the right under RCW 7.96.050 for discovery. In this case, such discovery could include a request (for example) to review all income received and the source of such income, and communications with the nexus of parties.
Posting a correction or making a retraction relieves pending claims under RCW 7.96.060, 7.96.070.
Parties seeking damages arising out of harm caused by the false content of a publication must, under this law, make a timely and adequate request for correction or clarification from the defendant, pursuant to 7.96.070
Requesting additional information about and review of a correction is adequate and allowed, under RCW 7.96.080, 7.96.090.
Further, if a reasonable request is made for substantiating information, and the Plaintiff fails to provide such information, the Plaintiff cannot survive a claim on the absence of a retraction, under 7.96.050.
Lastly, because Brandi engaged in a bullying tactic, she actually has liability here. She posted a partial image of a sensational event with the intent to malign my character. It was purposeful.
Will I sue her for it? No - that would be crazy. She's crazy. She should probably take a vacation and address her trigger-issues.apps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.as…
#LASTLY: It's not unreasonable to believe that there is a financial nexus between the Reichert campaign and Kruse, and other media assets; and that it is shadowy and likely cleverly ledgered and routed.
This is rather routine in this field of media and politics, plus people don't freak out like that when there isn't something lurking in the shadows. My belief is that she is hiding something, and I don't have to prove it - it's my opinion, and it's protected speech.
Flak over the target, hornets in the hornet's nest, etc.
#SorryNotSorry: So, now that the dust has settled and my block-list is updated... here is some information you all might want to know...
#Project42 (aka #Future42): Project 42 ()... "Future 42", "Future42" is not a valid business name per the WA-SOS, but "Project 42" is, and STEVE GORDON is listed on it... pfortytwo.com
Apr 1, 2024 • 14 tweets • 4 min read
#VOTEWA: I ran a query against the Washington State Voter Registration Database and was looking at single addresses with a large number of ACTIVE VOTER REGISTRATIONS at a SINGLE ADDRESS.
Here is an example... 77 ST S, SEATTLE, WA - 208 REGISTERED VOTERS:
#ANOTHER: Here is another example of a large number of ACTIVE WASHINGTON STATE VOTERS registered at a single address - A MAILBOX STORE:
#GasVsElectric for HVAC... let's be honest, #NaturalGas is and has always been a low-cost and CLEAN alternative to DIRTY ELECTRIC (which uses coal and natural gas and oil at a HUGE CONVERSION LOSS).
There is a PROFIT MOTIVE, not an environmental one, afoot in #Electrification. It's a way to sell a huge amount of new-equipment, paired with installation-service fees.
Also, as many of you know NATURAL GAS IS THE ONLY SOLUTION TO QUICKLY HEAT YOUR HOME (with the exception of a boiler/steam system, which also uses natural-gas!).
Electric heating has a long ramp-time and doesn't handle super-cold environments well.
The same is true for water-heating applications - it takes a long time to heat the water in the take. Even flash-heaters that use natural gas are more efficient than electric.
#COMPARISON: I also wanted to remind everyone about something I recently recalled in the context of "efficiency"... How long does your new HE washer and dryer take to wash and dry a load, versus your old non-HE units?
My "high-efficiency" LG takes 1.5 hours of electricity to wash; and another 1.5 hours to dry. My old washer took 32 minutes, and my old dryer took 44 minutes.
In comparison, my new HE units are +40% more efficient, supposedly... but use 10% more energy to complete a load cycle.