Phillip Bastien Profile picture
Day Job: Storyboard Revisionist and occasional writer on PAW PATROL Writer/Director/ Professional Storyboard Artist Writes with @Michigrimk and @docsquiddy
Jun 12, 2023 23 tweets 4 min read
I still believe the reason they are so desperate to break the WGA is because the conditions for proper Residual payments to be made as well as budgets and staffing are contingent on data/numbers they don't want getting out for ~some~ reason And there are two possible reasons
Either their numbers are so huge they want to avoid another payout like what happened with the BONES actor arbitration situation a couple years back.
Jul 10, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Why is it when anyone here like... legit criticizes an MCU film, people on here lose their shit? Like are you so personally invested in these movies that anyone not liking it is treated as a personal slight? Or they get obsessed with the fucking pedantics of what the op said and debate it endlessly.
Like the fucking "it cost 200 mil and looks like it was shot in a parking lot" ISN"T THEM SLIGHTING SETS OR GREEN SCREEN BACKGROUNDS YOU DWEEBS, HE'S SAYING IT LOOKS CHEAP AND BAD
Dec 7, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
Since all the quote tweets to this are stupid or just agreeing I'll attempt a technical explanation of why Alien just works visually. 1) Cohesion. Set design. Costume. And lighting are uniform. Moebius designed the costumes for this movie and Scott learned that his pastel art works works in 3d via high contrast and contour lighting rather than attempting to capture the color exactly.
Dec 6, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
So... I been playing the Wii version of Silent Hill Shattered Memories...
And well...
Jesus christ. Literally starts with "Hi. I'm your new therapist. Here we take an unconventional approach to therapy by not doing anything that we are ethically required to do as registered therapists. Including yelling & berating you cause the writers still think shocking you is effective"
Dec 5, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Thinking about gothic edritch Romantic era Paris
Thinking about The gothic language of frankenstein.
The aesthetics of a city atop a mountain. Festooned with castles and buildings and palaces. But the mountain is a burial mound of dead cities built on top of each other Going deeper is going father back in time. Farther back than when people existed.
The cities are all dead, crushing down... But the residents remain.