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Perfectly imperfect atheist. Amateur wildlife photographer: https://t.co/Cfo4hLo3oh There's nowt as queer as queer 'woke' folk. 😎😜
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Mar 10, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
@MarieRussler Also is a lie, based on a single 2017 study by the now defunct Quillian Foundation.

It was never submitted for peer-review, its scope & methodology highly questionable & it's findings contradicted by both the Home Office and an 8 year long Inquiry. iicsa.org.uk/final-report.h… @MarieRussler So, with respect, it's hate stirring propaganda, which you're not removing because you believe previous propaganda disguised as research.

The Inquiry revealed wholesale abuse in Christian churches, boarding schools, youth detention centres, by foster carers, in music schools
Feb 26, 2020 7 tweets 6 min read
@AndrewAtter @njstone9 @richbsys Schrödinger's Leaver's EU

Simultaneously & imminently imploding under the weight of its political, social & economic ambitions, while inexorably evolving into a United States of Europe Superstate. @AndrewAtter @njstone9 @richbsys Schrödinger's Reconciliation:

Leavers, simultaneously pretending to reach out to Remainers, while indulging in an orgy of spiteful triumphalism, celebrating the imposition of their clusterfuck Brexit on an unenthusiastic UK.
Jan 2, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
The time to "reach out" was immediately after the Referendum, so all parties could influence the shape Brexit was to take, IF it was to be successfully implemented.


- "You lost. Get over it"

- Confrontational Party division on a BLATANTLY cross-party issue. - What 'Leave' in "Leave means leave" means, is for ME alone to decide & I'll make it up as I go. (T May)

- I have unilaterally decided a legally & Constitutionally NON-binding, narrow vote of principle, is in fact an "emphatic" & irreversible mandate for self-harm. (T May)
Dec 16, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Just as they deliberately distorted democracy with the myth of the "will of the people', so Leavers sought to stifle dissent by misapplying the principle of 'loser's consent'.

Such consent only requires democratic minorities to accept defeat at the ballot box peacefully, Image and to trust their turn will come to challenge again in due course.

It bears NO obligation whatsoever for those minorities to conform to the majority view.

No matter how heavy a defeat, it's the right & responsibility of the losing minority to scrutinise, question, and
Nov 25, 2019 19 tweets 3 min read

A key motivation for Brexit, we're told, is a fab new Trade Agreement with Trump's America, despite Trump having already threatened, several times, to refuse to negotiate an FTA unless the UK complied with certain other unconnected US policies, on which the UK diverged. A National Audit Office report in May 2019, warned:

"Negotiating trade deals is a new competence for government. The Department for International Trade will be relying on relatively inexperienced staff."
Oct 15, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
Since June 2016, both the Government & Leavers have been fixated on the idea of "respecting the result", which in their eyes means leaving the EU come what may, even though Leavers themselves cannot agree how this should be achieved.

This must happen, they say, in order to prevent "the people" from losing 'trust' in the democratic process.

But what does 'trust' mean in this context?

The Government decided the narrow mandate resulting from Ref16 effectively meant 'the end' (leaving the EU) justified whatever means it decided necessary to
Sep 3, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
The UK is a Representative Democracy.

However, it requires the acceptance & continuity of certain conventions to survive.

Among them is the need for both majorities/minorities to have trust in the integrity/authority of the institutions which are mandated to represent them. 2/8
The majority needs to understand it cannot act as if minorities do not exist, and there's a responsibility to act for the common good.

In turn, it requires minorities to trust they are not being ignored or suppressed, to ensure peaceful opposition.

It also requires, as
Aug 21, 2019 15 tweets 4 min read
Part 2 of my look back at Vote Leave's campaign "case".

VL - The former head of Interpol, Ronald K Noble, has said that: “Europe’s open-border arrangement… is effectively an international passport-free zone for terrorists” like “hanging a sign welcoming terrorists to Europe” False: Vote Leave's own Facebook page on 27th December 2015 confirms Noble was specifically referring to the Schengen system countries.

The UK is NOT part of Schengen.
Aug 20, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read
I thought I'd take another detailed look at Vote Leave's primary EU campaign document "Why should we Vote Leave on 23 June?" to have another look at the veracity of it's claims.

Due to the size of the task, I'll do it over 2 threads.

It's actually mind boggling....Here's Part 1 VL - The EU costs us over £350 million a week.

False: It's long been been established this is the gross figure. The real figure is less than half.

VL - Since 1973, we have sent over half a trillion pounds to the EU.

Misleading: Again, this is the gross figure, not the cost.
Aug 13, 2019 4 tweets 4 min read
@DHORCHI100 @JamesMelville @WinterfellT Let's start with correcting your lies.

Our net contribution to the EU has averaged approx £8b since 2013.

Last year, our overall deficit with the EU was £31b. although why you're comparing public money to business finance is anyone's guess.

"A report last week"?

By whom? @DHORCHI100 @JamesMelville @WinterfellT Your mum?

If we're going to do that financial comparison however, let's consider what's likely to happen should we leave the SM/CU, using the calculations of a committed Brexiter & former Special Advisor to Downing St.

Raoul Ruparel & his team:

"What we found is that, in the
Feb 13, 2018 6 tweets 1 min read
(1) No-one told us Xenophobia would be official policy?

No-one told us attacks on the independence of the judiciary, would be condoned?

No-one told us we would be branded "Traitors" for exercising our democratic right to disagree? (2) No-one told us £350m per week for the NHS was a lie?

No-one told us peace in Ireland could be compromised?

No-one told us the Government was totally unprepared to assess the impact of Brexit?

No-one told us our energy supply could be threatened?