Portland: Neighbors Welcome Profile picture
Rabble-rousing for housing as a human right in PDX. We demand abundant homes affordable to rent & buy at every income level AND real security for tenants.
Dec 15, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Portland: Neighbors Welcome members are testifying today at City Hall in support of their policy recommendations for the Historic Resources Code Project. You can listen in here: portlandoregon.gov/video/player/?… Historic Resources Code Project passes!

While the amendments we wanted to strengthen HRCP for affordability were ultimately not included, all of the amendments approved improved the policy significantly (yay Amendment 2!) and the bad Amendment 5 was defeated. (also yay!)
Jan 17, 2020 106 tweets 27 min read
It’s the second day of testimony on the Residential Infill Project.

We’re here (well, across the street at city hall) and live tweeting. #HousingChoices If you want to watch at home the session is streaming here