Pieter Kemps Profile picture
Small scale founder, large scale builder. Helped build @awscloud in APAC. Now helping founders shape product, build scale, create categories @Sequoia_India
Jan 27, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
1/6 Me: “Hey man, that startup you just met…what do they do?”
Colleague: “eh…they…eh…” Silence. No answer. Ten minutes after the meeting, and he couldn’t explain.

His fault? Or was it because the company failed what I call 'The Gossip Test'? 2/6 The Gossip Test is simple. Can you make it easy for others to gossip about you? So THEY share YOUR story with others. In simple terms. With clarity. Can you be memorable?
Jan 20, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
8:06 - 8:12
9:12 - 9:16

What are these? Time email sent - time reply received. Same founder. Showing speed. Urgency. Bias for action. @_surgeahead hadn’t made the investment yet, but this was already a very good sign. 2/5 Reminded me of my first week at @AWS. I was spending a week in Silicon Valley with my colleague doing many meetings every day. After each meeting, he was frantically typing on this phone. “What are you doing so urgently?” I asked. His answer? “TNT"
Jan 13, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
1/5 “We lost! Too expensive...We missed this one feature...Our security was below par.”

I was having lunch with a founder. She was quoting what an underperformer in her Sales team kept saying. I had seen this behaviour everywhere. I call it “blaming the arrow”. Let me explain Image 2/5 @SURGE, my colleague @carl_eschenbach explains how Sales is not just the responsibility of the Sales team, but the whole organization. He knows. He has lived it. A legend in the world of Enterprise Sales.