I grow YouTube channels. 10 billion+ views generated. 10+ years of experience. Worked w: @Jesser @MrBeast @RedBull & many more. Building a YouTube accelerator.
16 subscribers
Jan 27 • 19 tweets • 5 min read
We gave our YouTube ideation strategy to a smaller creator.
They made a video that got 7.9 million views. In a week.
Here’s how we consistently blow up YouTube channels:
I’ve been doing YouTube for almost 20 years.
People say it’s “too late” all the time.
I argue that with the right strategy, more channels are blowing up than ever before (I’d love to collect more data on this).
Just look at these numbers from channels we’ve worked with:
Jan 1 • 20 tweets • 5 min read
We shared our strategy with a tiny YouTube channel (5k subs).
Their first video went viral:
- 230x their average view count.
- Next videos also banged.
So f**k it… here’s the strategy they used:
Here’s the channel:
He was a student in the last cohort of my YouTube accelerator program.
He deserves all the credit for his growth, but let me share what we did to help…
Sep 5, 2024 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
Another client passes the 1 million mark.
We have helped over 20 creators grow to 1m+ subscribers. This one only took a year.
Here are 20 growth lessons for YouTubers: 1. Give yourself a long time frame. You need 2+ years of posting consistently.
2. Internalize the idea that YouTube is a platform of ''click and watch'' platform, not just ''watch''.
3. Don't stress about strategy and metrics until you've posted 50 videos.
Aug 23, 2024 • 15 tweets • 4 min read
Our first video with this client got 1.8m views.
30x their average views at the time.
So f**k it… I'm going to break down the entire strategy behind it.
This will be the most useful thing you read about youtube this week:
First of all, here’s the video.
It was the first video we consulted on with finance creator @ramit.
Ramit is one of the biggest finance authors in the world, but at the time his channel was averaging 30k-60k views.
So why did this video do so well?
Aug 13, 2024 • 22 tweets • 5 min read
We applied our strategy to this small YouTube channel.
6 months later:
- $500/month - $10k/month
- 200k views/month to 2m views/month
- 237k views average
So f**k it… Here’s the strategy they used:
First of all, here's the actual channel.
They went through our accelerator, applied our strategy and ended up with basically 10x more views + revenue.
But what did we recommend that helped them grow so much?
Let's break this down into 4 main stages.
Jul 10, 2024 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
I grow the world’s biggest YouTube channels.
I have reviewed and given feedback on over 5,000 videos that have generated billions of views.
Here are 20 crucial notes I leave for my clients: 🧵
Let's start with notes on edits
1. Text is supposed to be read. What’s the point of flashing up something for a millisecond. Annoying.
2. Don’t put graphics/text in two different places at the same time.
3. Avoid generic b-roll from stock footage websites. Very 2019.
Jun 18, 2024 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
I have studied YouTube every day for over 10 years.
I have worked across billions of views and helped generate $10s of millions in ad revenue.
Here are my 12 steps to grow a youtube channel from scratch in 12 months:
Establishment Phase (0 videos posted)
Step 1 - Find your niche using the triple venn diagram.
What is the intersect between what you're passionate about, what you're good at and what there is demand for (market) on youtube?
Let's focus on that niche.
May 10, 2024 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
Today I turn 28.
I have dedicated over 50% of my life to obsessing over YouTube strategy and audience growth.
100s of channels, millions of revenue, billions of views later…
Here are 28 lessons for YouTubers:
1. If starting from 0, give it 2 years of consistent posting and improvement.
2. Make 3 thumbnail options and 10 title options per video.
3. Don't agree to do brand deals in the first 3 minutes of your videos.
Apr 23, 2024 • 14 tweets • 4 min read
This YouTube video with a client got 18 million views.
So f**k it… I’m gonna break down the entire strategy behind it.
This will be the most useful thing you read about youtube this week:
First of all, here's the actual video itself on the Red Bull official channel.
It's done more than 10x the channel's average views at this stage.
So what made it such an outlier for us?
Jan 2, 2024 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
If you want to grow your YouTube channel in 2024. Read this thread.
5 tips from someone who worked on billions of views last year: 1. Get really clear on audience this January
I like using a simple one pager like this.
Cluster = Similar channels
TAM = View ceiling
Personality = Kind of person your viewer is and isn't
Stupidly simple, but most channels don't give it this thought.
Sep 20, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
''I want do YouTube but I just hate making videos''
An 18-year-old follower recently sent me this message and I was left stunned.
I think there's a worrying culture emerging.
Here was my response:
If you just see youtube as a quick and easy way to make passive income: Don't do YouTube.
If you don't wake up and get excited about making videos: Don't do YouTube.
If you aren't willing to make videos for 2 years with no results: Don't do YouTube.
You don't have to do this. YouTube is not for everyone. Not everyone should have a YouTube channel.
Saying you want to do youtube but hate making videos is crazy.
It's like saying ''I want to be a soccer player but I hate kicking the ball''
Like bro... really examine why you want to do this... is it money and fame or is it real passion?
For me, if you want to do YouTube, you need to tick 3 main boxes:
- Passionate about making content
- Patient and willing to give it 2-3 years of uploading
- Willing to constantly improve and work on skills
Even if you don't become a full time YouTuber you will build the most important skills in the world right now and get hired.
So if you're one of those people, keep calm, carry on uploading and follow @PaddyG96.
If you're an 18 year old, the world's at your feet, don't try to do youtube just because some TikTok said it was an easy way to make $10k/month.
Share this message.
''What about big creators, they have a whole team to make their videos for them''
Not everyone loves editing or making thumbnails... delegation is part of a creator's progression.
You simply won't find a top creator on the platform who didn't start with a passion for content.
Jul 16, 2023 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
This is a video of mine that increased daily views by 9000%.
2 weeks ago, this was a completely dead video on my channel.
Then in the last few days, this happened. It was suddenly rekindled.
What do you think caused this?
It has gone from 200 views per day to 20k per day.
In a few hours, I'll reveal what drove these extra views.
In the meantime, I'll send all the video's ad revenue this week to someone who guesses correctly in the replies.
Even if it's $1,000 (it probably won't be but still!)
Some great guesses flooding in.
Here’s another screenshot of the videos growth.
Will reveal the breakdown on why this happened in 1 hour.
Jun 3, 2023 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
Want to become a better creator? Study psychology.
9 biases and tendencies hurting your content.
(A visual thread):
The YouTube channels I work with will do over 8 billion views this year.
My job is to help creators make better decisions with their content and data to grow their audience.
Basic psychology has helped me do this on another level.
Let’s go:
Apr 14, 2023 • 25 tweets • 7 min read
We studied 3.3 Billion views to decode the YouTube Shorts algorithm.
What makes a short viral?
How much money can they make?
Are they actually good for growth?
Here are our findings:
This study was conducted across 33 YouTube channels in different niches with 5,400 shorts included.
Myself and my lead analyst Chris Gileta put a ton of work into this, and the results are interesting.
Let's start with a question: ''What length should my shorts be?''
Apr 12, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Steady progress like this is underrated on YouTube.
Started working on this channel 2 years ago. Little 10% increases each month really add up.
I try to blow up channels as fast as possible, and often do, but YouTube isn’t easy. Some channels are in smaller niches or need to focus on slowly scaling rather than going all out from day 1.
Mar 9, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
I’m aiming for 1 billion views/month on YouTube this year with my portfolio of clients.
Majority from long form.
Few things on my mind about the state of YouTube 👇
There’s a supply demand mismatch when it comes to talent.
Creators are hiring at a faster pace then ever before, but the supply of good consistent talent (with experience) isn’t meeting it right now.
The whole space needs more editors, designers and producers.
Mar 4, 2023 • 14 tweets • 5 min read
I asked 150 YouTubers with over 1 million subscribers a simple question:
“How do you make better videos?”
Here’s some of the best answers 👇
Everyone’s time is precious - why should someone spend 10 minutes watching what you’ve made? Remove your ego.
''YouTube is rigged, I got 10% CTR and great retention...but my video is flopping''
Read this to understand YouTube metrics, once and for all 👇
First let’s start with two statements….
1. You need to hit 10% CTR and 70% retention 2. CTR and retention literally don’t matter
Which one of these is a good statement?
Nov 4, 2022 • 12 tweets • 4 min read
Everyone knows YouTubers make $ from ads on their videos…
But for the smartest creators, this only makes up a small part of the pie 💵
Here’s some (non-obvious) income streams you should be considering 👇
1. In-person events
Turning a digital audience into a physical audience can be super lucrative.
@max_fosh launched a sold-out comedy tour in the UK. Influencer boxing is here to stay.
Aug 29, 2022 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
I help generate billions of views for my clients each year on YouTube. 🧠
Here's a 2-minute read with some ideas to make better videos. 👇 1. Compete on time
The total human hours invested into a video isn't a direct correlation with views, but it sure as hell helps. If you have one person working 50 hours per video, that's pretty nice. When you scale, imagine 10 people each investing 50 hours into a video...
Jun 11, 2022 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
10 visuals that will help you grow a successful YouTube channel:
1. Build multiple income streams 2. Find the intersect between videos you want to make and videos people want to click.