Jonathan Pageau Profile picture
Symbolism happens.
Juan  Naranjo Profile picture Haimar Staib Profile picture 3 subscribed
Mar 8 7 tweets 3 min read
Ok, now that internet Orthodoxy has settled, I would like to make an important point. Many people vented their Holy Rage™, seeing my friend Jordan Peterson wear the design of the Calvary Cross on his blazer. The argument made is that this design is used on the Holy Schema, a vestment given to monks which is related to certain vows or accomplishments depending on the tradition. It was seen as mocking or disrespectful by people to use this design while not being a monk.Image Now, there are a few problems with this. One is that what Jordan Peterson was wearing was not the Great Schema, it was a blazer with a pattern of the Calvary Cross on it. No one in the world would mistake the Schema for a blazer and vice versa. I know this might seem obvious, though I guess it is not to many people. The pattern of the Calvary Cross is a universal pattern with a long history, and is used in many contexts apart from the Great Schema.Image
Feb 21 9 tweets 3 min read
Google Gemini is a nice image of one of the dangers of AI as we give it more power. Ideology is so thickly overlaid that it skews everything, then doubles down. First image looks about right, but scroll down. Image What? What is this? Image
Oct 5, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The image of everything. Image The proper use of a rainbow. Image
Aug 26, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Arrogant secularists like the folks at @GurusPod know so little about demonology, witches or witchcraft law, yet they "virtue signal" myself and @vervaeke_john about these like we were still in 2007, with all the usual high-minded atheist bluster. The usual technique when faced with what Church scholars have always taught, is to accuse the higher interpretation of being obfuscation or modern re-interpretation. Better still, saying it is gibberish. In the podcast, @C_Kavanagh said demons are traditionally physical beings!
Jun 7, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
"This guy is totally nuts", a thread and a raised glass to the self-righteous ignorance of the "Critic Sphere".

"the inside of text will always have been outside it; reciprocal contamination of body proper, violent expatriation, poison affirmed" Jacques Derrida. "All I have done, is dominated by the thought of a virus, what could be called a parasitology... The virus is in part a parasite that destroys, that introduces disorder into communication...
May 19, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
My patience for atheists sometimes wanes dramatically, listening to Stephen Fry with @jordanbpeterson clamor on his high-horse about how as an empiricist he cannot understand human sacrifice really brings me to the brink. As the ancient religious societies waned, the entire world 100 years ago was on the brink of total collapse. To stop this, the political stability of our current world has been based on two massive human sacrifices which have overshadowed all other narratives since the end of WW2