Matthieu Pageau Profile picture
Author of The Language of Creation: Cosmic Symbolism in Genesis
4 subscribers
Feb 16 5 tweets 1 min read
>In the story of Joseph, why does the cup bearer get a good end and the bread-maker get a bad end?

Their dreams are the same and they both express the general symbolism of falling asleep, which is:

"Losing control of your body and mind" (what happens when we fall asleep). The bread represents the food-body.

From that perspective, "losing your body" is symbolized by "Wild animals came and ate my flesh!"

This is the baker's dream. He represents the perspective of being awake. He's losing control here (falling asleep). It's negative for him.
Apr 17, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
@CaliReaperrr @travis_n_taylor @larrivee_mike How to fight a spiritual battle?

Not being afraid to be called made-up names by our enemies seems like a good start.

More broadly: Do not look at yourself through the eyes of your enemy or you will be defeated by that enemy. @CaliReaperrr @travis_n_taylor @larrivee_mike This is what a "spiritual battle" usually is:

A battle of perspectives (and i don't mean this in any sense of "all perspectives are equal").

What i mean by perspective or "eyes" is that we see the world through ideas (principles) and standards and laws that derive from them.
Apr 16, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Example of what i call a "Magical Trigger-Word Space"

(believe it or not, this is the least "triggering" or inflammatory example i could find.) Image 2/7
Remember that we are NOT the ones who define words. It's not up to us. We are only "allowed" to use words, not decide what the definitions are (unless you in are in power or are able to control information or find subtle ways to spin words) Image
Apr 11, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
The Emergency Snake 1/10 Image The Emergency Snake 2/10 Image
Mar 14, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
If you don't mind going into exile, then you can do whatever you want with your dream (some people don't mind exile and thrive in it). If you want to avoid exile, then wait until you fully understand or you will probably cause the exile. Image Example.

King Nebuchadnezzar dreams of a metal statue that gets toppled by a natural stone. He then tries to "act on it", which to him was to build that statue in a way that would block or stop what he saw in the dream (he made it completely gold so it would remain consistent).
Mar 14, 2024 20 tweets 4 min read
More about Dreams

Answering a question (pic) and similar questions asked by others:

I don't think dreams are a vehicle per se, but they can certainly be treated in this manner for a purpose (such as getting insight into yourself or someone else). Image I see it as a narrative describing what's going on while one sleeps. The images composing the narrative are usually pulled from the memory of the dreamer or the immediate environment of the sleeper (if you sleep with the radio on, don't be surprised if it influences your dreams).
Mar 6, 2024 88 tweets 16 min read
(very long thread but hopefully worth it)

Using the cosmology described in my book: The Language of Creation (esp. chapter 62 about dream symbolism) Image I will interpret the dream posted above as a "self-referential dream"

This means the dream is simply a narrative description of the inner processes occurring during sleep. I will use a set of "keys" to decipher the general narrative as well as each element of the dream in detail
Nov 21, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
About exile and the symbolism of the "Black Box"

Exile is always centered around a riddle can't be solved. It's the "black box" (the central taboo) that everyone tiptoes around without ever being able to deal with it or even mention it. The "elephant in the room" as we often say The cause of exile is a central stumbling stone. This stone (a riddle that can't be answered) becomes a central taboo and eventually gets contained in a "black box".

It's a way to negatively define the boundaries of space when you are in power over others.
Nov 13, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Ah, the good old days...
Here is an innocent sitcom from the past. When TV shows were not full of social engineering and creepy rainbow cult innuendos. BTW if anyone is wondering what happened to Pizzagate TM.

They simply pulled off one of these (pic).
It all started with creepy leaks about prominent political figures (courtesy of WikiLeaks) but then turned into a shooting incident in some pizza place they controlled. Weird. Image
Oct 10, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Clowns are extremely powerful.

Clown ~ Crown

(I'm not just playing with the sound of words here, these symbolic concepts are very much related)

Example: Samson was a type of "clown" and his long hair was the secret power from his "crown". Among others aspects, there are warrior clowns and healer clowns (these are not exclusive, and usually go together).

The warrior clown destroys and the healer clown renews. They are actually the same but it's not always easy to see.
Sep 22, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
About the papier-mache looking alien unveiled in Mexico. My current interpretation is that this is part of a progressive revelation.

Presenting potentially menacing unknowns as funny is an effective way to gradually introduce them without causing offensive reactions. Image This is not a tabloid revelation. It came with all sorts of "official" tests and proofs. Seeing this as merely a distraction seems like a mistake.

It seems important to notice that these non-human entities were presented exactly in the same way as an archeological discovery.
Sep 15, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read

Once in a while someone asks me to explain what i think a ritual means. I always hesitate to give my true answer because it usually disappoints. Most people love complicated answers which i can appreciate. But real knowledge doesn't work like that imo. There must be a SIMPLE truth first, and it must be known (and even felt) in a concrete manner and preferably in a personal manner. It must touch your reality in a way you cannot deny and absolutely obvious.
Sep 13, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
I'm still working towards explaining what i call the Crazy Conspiracy Theory Spell. Every day i get more insights based on interactions with different people. I'm realizing how important this subject is (even if it may resemble a joke - in some ways it is) Image At the risk of looking "silly", "paranoid" or "crazy" i am casting increasingly wider nets on X in order to gather data about how certain types of information is received. I see no other way to understand how this process works but to test it in some way.
Sep 11, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
"A golden ring in a pig's snout, is a beautiful woman turning from discretion"

It's about the "power of the ring" used without discretion. The literal translation is "from taste".

"Pig" in Hebrew mean "return" or "cycle". This is related to not having the ability to ruminate. When you ruminate, you are using the power of the ring discretely (inwardly). The power of the ring is the power of renewal (the ring is ultimately the power of cyclical time).
Aug 24, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Conspiracies are part of traditional symbolism. It's half of the subject matter of my book. The realm of Time is the realm of conspiracies, covert operations, deception, controlled opposition and cyclical causality.

It's an important part of the Bible. Many stories are about it. When things seems to not make sense (because of apparent contradiction or apparently absurd occurrences) it usually means there is a secret higher order that we do not know and/or we can't see how the events of our world are connected to it.
Aug 20, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Moses and Aaron (Golden Calf).

While Moses (the younger brother) was receiving the new law from God, the people became impatient.

Aaron, the older brother, was unable to WAIT. So he took all the "rings" from the ears of people and created a "golden calf" [lit. golden circle] This golden circle was made to bypass the mediation of Moses (who they figured was dead => they lost hope)

This is usually seen as the prototype of "forging the One Ring" in the Bible. This is what IDOLATRY is all about.
Aug 16, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The deep symbolism of CAIN and ABEL

(related to previous post - vampirism + pedophilia)

The sin of Cain was to force/accelerate the natural process of renewal.

At the "end of days", the function of Abel (herder) must take precedence over Cain because the land must be renewed. Cain didn't want to WAIT the required time for Abel to bring a proper renewal. So he FORCED the quick renewal of the land with Abel's blood.

Abel's power was like "Jubilee" (Abel=Hevel -> same root)

But quickening the renewal lead to the "Flood" (Mabul - same root).
Aug 16, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Why is PEDOPHILIA prominent in these times?

The source of this sin is the spirit of antichrist:

God: "Don't eat this fruit because it is not ready yet"
Antichrist: "I don't care if it's ready! I want to eat it now"

This spirit causes many sins.
Pedophilia is just one of them. It's mainly about selfishly controlling the renewal process to stay in power.

This is also the sin of the "VAMPIRE" who forcefully or deceptively steals and drinks the blood of his victims (their power of renewal) for his selfish rapid/false renewal.
Aug 7, 2023 12 tweets 2 min read
I've been seeing a strategy (jedi mind trick) being used a lot recently. I feel like i should describe it (because it annoys me greatly).

The strategy is something like: falsely accuse a known person of crossing a taboo to indirectly reinforce that taboo.

It's very effective. It goes like this:

a) Falsely accuse X of crossing taboo

b) People who like X will defend X. BUT they defend X by claiming the accusation is FALSE

d) This implicitly reinforces the taboo

I will give 3 examples:
Aug 2, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read

There is currently public demonization of certain concepts that are part of a solution. I'm trying to break some of that spell. I'm using certain key words here that will undoubtedly annoy certain types of people. (it's on purpose). Image God is able to change the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Bad into a Tree of Life, but it comes with a lot of suffering and confusion. Learn to ruminate if you want to avoid all this (don't if you don't) Image
Jul 9, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
When i use the term "rumination" i mean something very specific. "Ruminating" is the opposite of "Reasoning" in the sense that we reason from our first principles, by deduction. So reason is about thinking within the framework of our existing perspective. Deducting from axioms. Rumination is what you do when you suspect that your first principles are either lacking or unclear to you. It's about reconnecting with reality (concrete facts and experience) and "letting facts express themselves". This is difficult because it takes time; it can't be forced.