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Mar 15 6 tweets 2 min read
The real problem with our side is our base. We think it’s our leaders’ job to coddle us into wanting to fight. We sit back and complain about our leaders, while doing nothing ourselves. We think the goal is to make ourselves feel superior to our leaders – not to fight and win. What most of us really want is to feel outrage. We demand that our Democratic leaders set themselves on fire daily in a way that allows us to feel the most outrage, regardless of whether it’s good strategy. On the days they don’t do it, we attack *them* so we can feel outrage.
Feb 16 12 tweets 2 min read
Not long ago I said that when it comes to the Trump regime we should try to strategically focus on one thing: the incompetence. We’re naturally drawn to the corruption, the extremism, and the cruelty, because that’s what outrages us the most... But those aren’t things we can work with. We can’t bring a single person in the middle over to our side just by accusing Trump of being evil; that’s the rhetoric that the people in the middle expect to hear from both sides.
Feb 14 12 tweets 2 min read
I use words for a living, but sometimes even I don’t know what to say. This week we’ve seen the Republican Senate cave and approve nearly all of Trump’s remaining cabinet nominees, all of whom are insane. We’ve seen Elon Musk hold an unhinged press conference while standing... ...behind the Oval Office desk, as Trump sat there confused. We’ve seen Musk steal federal funds from the people who need it most. And we’ve seen Trump turn US foreign policy into something the Onion would have had a hard time coming up with.
Jan 24 13 tweets 3 min read
Donald Trump’s big weakness just came front and center

Trump’s 2024 inauguration saw far fewer viewers than President Biden’s inauguration. It’s fun to see the narcissistically ratings-obsessed Trump get clobbered in humiliating fashion. But it also points to something else... Even most of the people who just voted for Trump didn’t bother to turn around and watch him get inaugurated. It means they don’t really care. Even most of Trump’s voters are not in any way enthused by the prospect of him returning.
Oct 31, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
The more I look at the numbers, the more I believe the 2024 House majority is going to be mainly decided in California. Yes, California. There are five "toss up" House districts in suburban pockets of California that can go either way. GET INVOLVED in these five races: CA-45 (California), Democratic candidate Derek Tran

Follow: @derektranCA45
Oct 5, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
As I warned you would happen, CNN, Daily Beast, and Politico have all now floated “Kamala is doomed” narratives today, all based on nothing at all beyond the media’s desire to shake up the narrative and juice ratings. The media will keep trying to do this next week. Ignore them. “But how can the media get it so wrong?”

They’re getting it wrong on purpose. That’s the entire point. Major political media outlets exist to drive ratings, not to inform you. If ratings drop a bit, the media decides what to make up in order to boost ratings. Simple as that.
Oct 5, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Heads up: the media is spending this weekend trying out a new narrative about how Kamala is supposedly going to lose because polling says most Americans think the country is going in the wrong direction. Your job is to not fall for it, and to focus on doing what’s needed to win. In reality, it’s obvious why most Americans think the country is going in the wrong direction. Republicans don’t like what’s happening, and Democrats think the country is still being dragged into the muck by Trump and supporters, so everyone agrees were not on track.
Sep 6, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Great news! House Democrat Marcy Kaptur's reelection race has been changed from "Toss up" to Lean Democrat! We've been fundraising for her, and now she's pulled ahead.

Two other races have also been upgraded from "Lean Republican" to "Toss up." What's what that means: Democratic candidates Tony Vargas (Nebraska 2nd) and Derek Tran (California 45th) were both mild underdogs. But now their races are 50-50 toss ups. We've added them both to our master list of toss-up races, and Charles Gaba has added them to the ActBlue donation page.
Aug 26, 2024 16 tweets 4 min read
What is Gaba's Endgame? Fundraising Guru Charles Gaba, who helped flip the Michigan state legislature in 2022, has identified the most competitive House and state legislature races in 2024 and assembled them into ActBlue donation pages so we can flip everything. Important thread: According to the "Gaba's Endgame" strategy, there are just twenty super-competitive House races, and you can donate to all twenty just by making one donation to this ActBlue page. All money goes directly to the Democratic candidates listed:…
Aug 24, 2024 18 tweets 2 min read
UPDATE: We've raised more than $6,000 for Democrats in competitive state legislature races! Here are our totals:

Alaska to Florida: $1,214
Georgia to Maine: $436
Michigan to Montana: $3,053
Nevada to Oklahoma: $100
Pennsylvania to Wyoming: $1740

Links in thread: Alaska to Florida:…
Aug 24, 2024 9 tweets 4 min read
These are the Democrats in the most competitive state legislature races, divided into five lists. Donate to the one you think is most important. Go!…………… Why are state legislature races so important? They pass state laws, like reproductive rights. And they certify elections. We've done the hard part by identifying the most competitive races. Remember, state legislature races have tiny budgets, so we can make a huge difference!
Aug 20, 2024 28 tweets 13 min read
There are just 22 House races rated "toss up" by trusted experts.

These are the 22 races that will come down to a point or two, which means we can dive in and change the outcome, and win the House majority.

Follow these 22 candidates, retweet them, donate, sign up to volunteer: MI-07 (Michigan), Democratic candidate Curtis Hertel @CurtisHertelJr


Aug 1, 2024 10 tweets 4 min read
Let's take this amazing level of enthusiasm and work effort for Kamala Harris and apply it to congressional races so that President Harris will have a majority to work with. These are the seven most competitive Senate races. Get involved in one or more of these races today: Montana, Democratic Senator Jon Tester

Follow: @jontester


Jul 22, 2024 21 tweets 10 min read
We're not just going to elect Kamala Harris as the 47th President. We're going to give her a House and Senate majority as well. Here are the 22 most competitive House races, which will decide the House majority. Donate, volunteer, and retweet all day long: MI-07 (Michigan), Democratic candidate Curtis Hertel

Follow: @CurtisHertelJr


Jul 20, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
I’m 100% Team Biden. Joe is our nominee and he’s going to win.

At the same time, we need to give Biden the House and Senate majorities. That means supporting the Democrats in toss-up races, whether they’re Team Biden or not. It’s just how it is. All I care about is winning. Much as I understand the sentiment, we can’t afford to say “well I’m not going to support that Democratic candidate because he’s not Team Biden.” If we take that attitude, we WILL lose the House and Senate.
Jul 18, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Actual CNN headline today: “Shakeups in the 2024 race provide much-needed jolt in interest for news outlets.”

The media is flat out bragging that it’s managed to boost its ratings by manufacturing phony storylines in this election.

The media is not your friend. The kicker is that even this headline is dishonest, as ratings are actually down since the media started pretending Biden is in trouble.

But the media is counting on you coming back in a week or a month and staying glued to your screen for the remainder of the election.
Jul 7, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Don't trust any leaks from the media about this or that House or Senate Democrat having supposedly privately turned against Biden. Given how much the media is just making shit up these days in furtherance of this fake storyline, why would we believe anything they say about it? I keep seeing major news outlets cite anonymous sources while claiming that "House Democrat XX privately thinks Biden should drop out" and then folks on our side say "now we hate XX."

Yet XX probably never said any such thing.Don't let the lying media turn us against ourselves.
May 31, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Remember when a media outlet falsely claimed that Alvin Bragg had dropped this case, and Bragg said it was ongoing, but the entire media went along with the lie, and then every bullshitter on Twitter bashed Bragg so they could make themselves look cool in comparison? Fun times. These hordes of bullshitters in the media and pundit class were all claiming Pomerantz had said that Bragg had decided to let Trump off the hook, when Pomerantz never even said that. It was just flat out made up fake news. And it didn’t matter Bragg said the case was ongoing.
May 29, 2024 22 tweets 14 min read
While we're waiting for the Trump verdict, let's go flip the House. The majority WILL be mainly decided by the "toss up" races, all of which will be very close.Donate, volunteer, and retweet these Democratic candidates and let's go win this: MI-07 (Michigan), Democratic candidate Curtis Hertel

Campaign website:



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May 24, 2024 17 tweets 10 min read
Here are the highly competitive 2024 House races that are rated "toss up" and will be decided by a point or two in either direction and will determine the House majority. Donate to them, sign up for their mailing lists, follow them on here, and retweet them (thread): Janelle Bynum, OR-05 (Oregon)

Campaign website:



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Apr 25, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
This is the part where everyone on TV and Twitter chases ratings and retweets by pretending Trump has a 99% or 100% chance of winning this Supreme Court ruling, when he really only has maybe a 30% chance. They know if he loses, they can just feed you some new defeatist outrage. "But even if Trump loses, he'll still have won because things got delayed until now!"

"But even if we win 5-4, it'll still be a loss because it should have been 9-0!"

I say this with love: shut the fuck up.

A win is a win. Only people who WANT TO LOSE spin wins into losses.