Pam Keith, Esq. Profile picture
CEO of Center for Employment Justice LLC, 2020 Dem Cong. Nominee, ex-Navy JAG, litigator & expert on workplace law. BC Law Grad. AKA💚💗 (she/her)
25 subscribers
Nov 13, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
For the last 9 years or so, my account has been largely about trying to get Dems to push back at any one of the millions of little steps that got us into this abyss.

And at every turn, the intelligentsia was saying that I was hysterical and unpractical and reactionary and whatever the fuck.

I posted idea after idea that would have contained the misinformation, plugged the holes in our national security, held wrongdoers accountable, flexed the regulatory, investigative and law enforcement muscle of this country to protect the Constitution.
Nov 8, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
What people aren’t getting is that we did not lose an election, we lost the protections of the Constitution and rule of law.

Blue people in red states will be so damned vulnerable.

So I say this with every micron of my being, the people who told us last time that Trump wasn’t going to be so bad we’re FUCKING WRONG!!

The people telling us to calm down and fight another day are even more wrong.

We have to have a whole new approach to protecting our families and our rights, and that approach cannot be focused on trying to leverage federal power.
Nov 8, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
The thing that gets me is just how many things had to go just right to get Trump back in office.

It would be too fantastical for a Netflix series.

Congress failed to impeach him. Then failed to apply the 14th Amendment to him. Garland dicked around for 18 months, and then when he was handed a complete investigation, instead of indicting right away, he appointed Jack Smith to start form scratch and dick around some more.

DOJ pursued the most watered down claims they could and filed them in the most pro-Trump jurisdiction possible.
Oct 29, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Dear Hispanic Immigrants who think MAGA only wants to deport “illegals:”


The essence of MAGA’s beef is that brown DNA is out reproducing white DNA, for lots of reasons but also because white genes are recessive.

THAT is what the whole “replacement” theory is all about.

White people fear being a minority in this country.

So they are trying to force white women to have more babies by banning abortion and trying to attack birth control.

Their big “DEPORTATION” plan has NOTHING to do with your legal status.

It’s about
Oct 22, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
To understand the abject fear that drives MAGA, you have to understand the mentality of the slave owner.

Deep down, every single human being in America knew slavery was wrong & evil. They ALL knew it. They made all kinds of excuses for it, but at base, they all knew it was wicked.

And we know this by their bone deep fear of rebellion. They didn’t fear that slaves would be free (well, they feared the economic impact). But the real fear was that slaves would do to them, what they had done to slaves. THAT was the bone chilling, nightmare inducing
Oct 20, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Kamala did what she was supposed to do in her interview with Bret Baier.

What I wish she HAD done is said the following:

Bret, what you just did there, by running a clip that edited out the important part of what Trump said, what you did and your network has been doing for years, was deceive and mislead the American people.

It’s purposeful. It’s deceitful. And quite frankly it is extremely damaging to our democracy.

There is a reason your network keeps getting sued for lying, and the intention behind cutting what Trump said about
Oct 20, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Yesterday I found a Black lady who is registered as a Dem, but doesn’t vote. I talked to her for 30 minutes. Inwent over how her wages would be affected by Project2025 plans.

But then I asked her if she believed there was no racism and sexism in America anymore. She laughed & admitted that there clear is still both.

So I then said:
Sis, there hasn’t been a single day of your life that you have not been protected by the Civil Rights Act. It didn’t get rid of racism, but it protected you & gave you a remedy.

YOUR grandma struggled so you would
Oct 17, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
MAGA is essentially a three-headed dragon. Head one is white supremacy. Head two is patriarchy. And head three is greed.

Everything about Trumpism is controlled by at least one head.

The obsession with the border is about head one. We know this because there are no histrionics about Europeans or Canadians who overstay their Visas. The fixation with immigration is based in eugenics and the fear that dark skinned people will out number white people.

The obsession with abortion is about head two, preserving patriarchy through control of
Oct 11, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
A core component of Christianity is to repent for one’s sins.

No matter the denomination, EVERY Christian is taught that genuine contrition for wickedness is necessary to enter & remain in communion with God.

I have always been mystified by white evangelical Christian’s deep love of Trump, since he is the walking embodiment of each of the mortal sins.

To me, it was always about white male supremacy. But I just saw a video that added a nuance to that.

As a kid who lived briefly in the South (KY), I couldn’t understand why white people were
Oct 7, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
One of the things that fascinated me when I lived in FL was people who decide to ride out hurricanes.

I never got that impulse. I could understand the people who lacked the funds to evacuate. I could understand the people who didn’t have transportation.

But there was a band of folks who actually just decide to ride it out, as some form of personal toughness.

I was the opposite. First sign of trouble, I was OUT. In 11 years living there, there were some serious scares and a couple glancing blows where I was, but NOTHING like what Milton has
Oct 7, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Dear @ABC @CNN @CBSNews @NBCPolitics @MSNBC

It’s past time that you came to grips with the fact that you no longer set the political narratives of this country.

On your BEST day, your shows reach maybe 200K people.

Alex Cooper’s Call Her Daddy podcast has 5.5 MILLION listeners. Criticizing Kamala for going to the biggest audiences makes YOU look stupid.

I would rather listen to Howard Stern than Andrea Mitchell any damned day!

Kamala has no higher obligation to give her time and attention to you than Trump does. So fuck off with
Oct 6, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Many people wrongly understand civil and constitutional rights to be things that don’t exist until the Supreme Court gives them to some group.

So when the SCOTUS reverses a decision that gives that group rights, it can take the right away.

That is a convoluted & incorrect way to think of rights.

The Constitution guarantees rights of the individual, and the SCOTUS stops the STATE from infringing upon them, when the state ERRONEOUSLY thinks it has a right to do so.

So when a state act or law goes before the SCOTUS because a group challenges its
Oct 4, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
Here’s what we know about DonOLD in a crisis:

When Maria hit PR, it took 5 days to convince that racist asshat that Puerto Rico is the USA. He went there for a few hours, tossed out some paper towels and otherwise dragged his heels to leave the recovery to dawdle.

He then gave the electrical grid contract to a buddy with zero experience and we wasted millions on that.

When COVID hit, his first instinct was to lie and call it a hoax, then blame Asian Americans, then hoard PPE and only give it out to governors who kissed his ass.
Oct 2, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
I have been canvassing in PA, and here’s what I observed in talking to “undecided” voters:

1) an elderly woman who said she had to pray on it for God to tell her who to vote for.

2) a young woman who was likely lying about being undecided

3) a Republican who said he doesn’t like Trump, but doesn’t quite trust Kamala (couldn’t say why).

4) A middle aged woman who said she needed to talk to her family (boyfriend) about it.

5) a teen who said she is going to vote for the first time and just isn’t sure, but is leaning Kamala.

My sense of it is:
Oct 1, 2024 17 tweets 4 min read
Consider this:

No state or municipality requires that one citizen saves the life of another. None.

Sure, there are exceptions for people whose JOB it is to do so,

but for the regular Jane or Joe, there is NO LAW that forces you to help another human being in distress. Good Samaritan laws protect people who opt to help save a life from liability if they cause harm, but no law requires that you donate blood, jump into a pool to save a child, remove a person from a burning car, or even call 911 if someone is having a heart attack.
Sep 29, 2024 6 tweets 1 min read
The devastation of Appalachia is heartbreaking.

People were just not ready for that.

Their whole lives are upside down. Insurance ain’t going to make them whole and most didn’t have flood insurance to begin with.

I have serious questions about their ability to rebuild, but I support spending federal money to rebuild, with one caveat.

Building remote, dilapidated homes with no infrastructure is not a wise use of limited resources.

Those folks may have hung on to a hard scrabble life for many reasons, but rebuilding what was there is a
Sep 22, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
The GOP’s obsession with the SAVE Act is NOT about stopping non-citizens from voting. When pressed, they will admit that non-citizens currently cannot and do not vote.

SAVE act suppresses the votes of WOMEN who change their names when they get married (generally a bad idea). It also makes it far more expensive and onerous for new voters and young voters to get sufficient ID to vote. It protects those on the rolls,
Sep 21, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
In 2016, Trump tapped into a quiet hoard of non-voters who were seething mad about a Black POTUS. The polling didn’t capture them because they hadn’t been voting.

There were also two other factors at play. Russia helping Trump, and a bunch of left votes who were for Bernie and didn’t show up for Hillary (we don’t like to talk about that part).

Those voters who surprised us in 2016, started to be accounted for in 2018, and were fully inculcated into polling models by 2020.

That’s why the 2020 polling was much closer to reality.

My point is
Sep 17, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
Dear Conservative Women: I have something to tell you. All these years you have believed that security and advancement comes from supporting conservative men, most especially your own husband/boyfriend/father/son. And all this time you have been WRONG.

It is just NOT true that your overall well being comes from maintaining patriarchy and white supremacy. The opposite is true. YOU have been working against the things that actually make you safe.

If you went to college, it wasn’t conservative men who made that happen. If you earn a good salary,
Sep 17, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read
FUN FACT: Each of us who support Kamala are de facto surrogates for her campaign. So we have to have the talking points at the ready to answer questions or criticism about her or her campaign. So here are a few at the ready:

1) She didn’t pass any great things as VP: Answer: The hell she didn’t, every dime that’s been invested in infrastructure, the money you got for COVID relief, the CHIPS act, the PACT act that is helping thousands of veterans, all of them required her input and her tie-breaking vote. But since 2022, Biden and Kamala have
Sep 5, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
America has lots of problems, but at base it all boils down to one problem: the GOP

Our gun violence problem is a GOP problem.

Our public education funding problem is a GOP problem.

Our stagnant wages problem is a GOP problem.

Our cost of healthcare problem is a GOP problem Our climate change problem is a GOP problem.

Our crumbling infrastructure problem is a GOP problem.

Our college & medical debt problem is a GOP problem.

Our racial injustice problem is a GOP problem.

Our voter suppression problem is a GOP problem.