Peter Sekhon Profile picture
Investor Relations Director - Valereum PLC 🌐 | Committed to transparent communication & investor engagement | #ValereumInvestorRelations. My views are my own.
Mark Ridgway Profile picture 1 subscribed
Dec 18, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
Christmas wind down approaches I'm getting ready for a strong revival in Q123:
Just like a game of chess at the minute with Strategy, patience and understanding the complexity is key!

The year has gone to plan, but it's defiantly not checkmate... in fact quite the opposite... The story only just is begging to unfold:
♟️Looking forward to finally completing the acquisition of the GSX.
♟️Ambitious plans for the GSX and for Valereum linking the fiat and digital worlds still in play in FULLY regulated environments.
Nov 20, 2022 16 tweets 5 min read
So folk less than 10 working days left in November. $25m funding for 10% of the company due - Mcap still under £40m. Things are starting to pick up #TNT - let's round through some highlights:
🗞️ UHNW investors already subscribed for $2.275m shares at 504p. 🗞️2 for 1 warrants exercisable within 5 years and conditional on m/cap exceeding $250m (£210m) for 3 consecutive dates.
Nov 20, 2022 18 tweets 8 min read
So where do I start, I guess by saying everything I thought would happen for #VLRM and where the sp would be has been delayed by basically a year, with the GFSC approval taking longer than anticipated. So what does that mean now?! Well for starters it has been de-risked with Valereum Approved to Acquire Gibraltar Stock Exchange expected to be completed 1st quarter of 2023 just for starters!!
Oct 30, 2022 16 tweets 14 min read
#VLRM look to get final confirmation of the #GSX deal, morphing from basically a Spac into one of the world's first fully regulated exchanges crossing the digital divide, between #fiat & #crypto!
So for under 12 Million MCAP what's currently not priced in & what can we expect... 🔥The #GSX is a regulated exchange market (Tier 1 exchange) which also holds an Multi-Lateral Trading Facility ("MTF") licence for the listing of specific forms of security under MiFID.
#markets #StocksToBuy #stockstoinvest #Aquis #aim
Oct 25, 2022 25 tweets 10 min read
Well positioned since 2018 thanks to a comprehensive legal framework, Gibraltar is attracting many players in the blockchain and crypto world wishing to get out of the blur by anchoring itself to a clear territory and legislation. @NigelMFeetham @GibraltarGov Daring, this bet to transform this tip of the peninsula of 6.8 km2 into an international cryptohub could lead to the creation of the first hybrid Stock Exchange in the world.

Through his company @ValereumPLC , @RPoulden is finalising here the creation of the first stock exchange
Oct 5, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
#NFT market well-positioned to grow 35% into a $13.6B industry by 2027
For the next five years, trends tied to the global NFT boom continue to factor in the growing involvement of influencers, gaming communities, rising demand for artworks & real estate
@ValereumPLC @mattereum Interestingly enough, research firm MarketsandMarkets envisions several other factors that will contribute to the explosive growth of the NFT market, including its increasing use cases in supply chain management, retail, fashion and Regulation.
#NFTsCommunity #btc #adoption
Sep 27, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
When they pull this off let me assure you "The #GSX will be the world's first exchange to create a seamless and fully regulated bridge that links the fiat and crypto markets,"
The prize, of course, is juicy business. Valereum targets a cryptocurrency sector worth, according to its estimates, approximately $3.5 trillion.
This deal has the attention globally with countries such as Russia, China, USA watching closely as are the likes of #Binance
Sep 4, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
Valereum Blockchain (#VLRM): 18p with a target of £1+!
Giving investors something in the tech space – bridging the #fiat & #crypto worlds. An idea of Chairman @RPoulden, with a further boost arriving in the form of one of the founding fathers of #Ethereum, Vinay Gupta @leashless and the Father of fintech Patrick Young @FrontierFinance. The stroke of genius adding to the brains trust here was last October’s announcement that VLRM has an option to buy 90% of the Gibraltar Stock Exchange (#GSX),
Aug 7, 2022 13 tweets 7 min read
Once regulatory approvals have been confirmed by the #GFSC on the purchase of #GSX & #JUNO, further news on #NFT open market place, update on market listing & partner news. I'm expecting a fabulous run for #VLRM.
With a 20Mil MCAP, 22p sp - x5 from here in the interim!
#BTC #ETH Long term - this could be eye watering and is dependent on adoption. I am looking at anything between £200m and £800m!

Currently nothing is priced in and we should be at 50p with a fair value of £1.37 sp pricing in potential deals if not more!
#blockchain #NFTsCommunity #AQUIS
Jun 19, 2022 25 tweets 17 min read
As always patience is tested in these markets & that also applies to #VLRM... everyone wants the #GSX approval done yesterday. But as with everything the best things come to those wait & remain patient. Purchasing the #Gibraltar Stock Exchange is a a major deal by any standards! But these things take time, that's the reality especially when governments see these assets as very important for their financial sector stability & growth. Both @RPoulden & @FrontierFinance want this wrapped up quickly in order to move onto the next phase of there global plan.
May 29, 2022 22 tweets 6 min read
#PRM, #GLV and #CLON are less than a few days away from one of the biggest oil and gas drilling events done by listed juniors in decades.
- The prospect they are drilling sits on the North West Shelf, offshore WA, home to the biggest ever gas project developed in OZ history... - the Greater Gorgon Project owned by a joint venture between supermajors Chevron, Exxonmobil and Shell.
- To contrast, the Sasanof Prospect has a prospective Resource as follows:
•17.8 Tcf and 449 million barrels of condensate on a 3U basis (high case)
May 2, 2022 11 tweets 13 min read
For the first time, Valereum's new Bridge Financial Platform will provide a tradeable #NFT on multiple crypto exchanges that will securely link specific fiat listed securities (shares) and listed debt of all kinds - from Alibaba to Zoom and from Chinese debt to US Treasuries. Purchasers trading a Valereum launched Bridge NFT can be sure it is backed by the underlying security due to the use of the Mattereum Asset Passport. This is a world leading financial innovation to create 24/7/365 digital trading bridging the Crypto world to the fiat world.
Apr 21, 2022 9 tweets 6 min read
Had a excellent update today in the #VLRM TG group (really helps being in it) with some extremely positive discussions taking place with the CEO, Richard Poulden, who is very very excited about what’s happening over in #GIB. They are working tirelessly and around the clock with with the GIB lawyers on CLOSING ALL the transactions. It’s not an easy task dealing with Regulators and the Govt, as you can imagine but it will a fruitful one. One of the good things about this 25Mil MCAP play is that it has the fabulous support from ALL in the country.
Apr 20, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
#VLRM This is a 5-10x from here imo,hence I'm holding a six figure sum here!The GSX currently hosted 2500 debt bonds to the value of £5bn. From some research the #GSX posted revenue figure of $12.8m dollars in last quarter of 21. When this gets purchased with a PE x ratio of 5-10 then you can value it a minimum 60m minimum as it is. The problem you have is the conversion to a digital trading platform accessing multiple trillion dollar markets will greatly inflate this to something that can’t be measured.
Apr 18, 2022 20 tweets 24 min read
10 Predictions For Blockchain, Crypto Assets, DeFi, And NFTs For 2022 onwards! @ValereumPLC @FrontierFinance
1. Bitcoin price reaches $100,000 USD & the crypto asset market grows in breadth and depth
2. Ethereum undergoes upgrade & remains the dominant smart contract platform 3. #Crypto investments become more sustainable
Issuers of #ETPs, #crypto #exchanges, mining companies, & financial institutions are interested in offering #green products & services to their customers
4. #Web3 infrastructure paves the way for the decentralization of the internet
Apr 3, 2022 9 tweets 7 min read
New tax year ONLY means more new money & hopefully a buoyant April / May! Q2 should finally see approvals by #VLRM of #Juno, #GSX deals and open the gates to lots of game changing blockbuster news to see the current trading range blown out of the waters and start attacking ATHs! For the first time, Valereum's new Bridge Financial Platform will provide a tradeable NFT on multiple crypto exchanges that will securely link specific fiat listed securities (shares) and listed debt of all kinds!
#securities #blockchain #NFTs
Mar 27, 2022 9 tweets 9 min read
I'd recommend everyone listen to this. Not directly related to #VLRM in terms of the #GSX, but in terms of the 20% option on GSX group! Very exciting indeed! this is very exciting.

If you listen to some of the concepts talked about linking different trading groups together such as FIAT, #Crypto, #Metals #Carbon etc then GSX can do ALL of that.
Mar 25, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
The Bank of England (BoE) has called on policy makers to strengthen the global framework for regulating cryptos to prevent the assets from threatening the broader stability of financial markets.
#VLRM @ValereumPLC @DavidLenigas Britain's central bank Financial Policy Committee (FPC) said the role of prudential and market integrity regulators should be expanded and their coordination increased.
Mar 13, 2022 24 tweets 20 min read
Until now, the #GSX has been a listing platform for big Bonds. But they have all the right licences that a Tier-1 European Exchange needs to create a Global exchange - just like the #LSE & #NYSE. But the OLD #GSX didn’t focus on using the full capacity of the licences they have. The #GSX will be globally disruptive exchange in the not so distant future, being central to #Gibraltars global strategy not just for crypto, but importantly for normal global listed equity, debt and derivatives. Just watch this space. @keremkaradagcom @Exchange_Invest @Wolfiez
Mar 4, 2022 9 tweets 7 min read
So still stuck in a trading range as we patiently wait for approval by the GFSC of the GSX deal, once this complex and game changing deal is approved i'm expecting in due course for the markets to sit up & take notice.
@DavidLenigas @fintechna @RPoulden @sportschris #Bitcoin There has been great consolidation over the last few months, but still nearly 7million plus more buys than sells since the summer. This is primed and will re-rate in due course over the next month or so. Once approval is completed its game on!
Feb 20, 2022 7 tweets 5 min read
Many cryptocurrency exchanges are now making proud claims about their regulated status, but does “regulated” really mean what investors think?
#VLRM are working closely with #GFSC to ensure they are fully regulated! I can't stress enough regulation is 🔑… Given the fundamental role played by cryptocurrency exchanges in the overall crypto ecosystem and the growing degree of entanglement between crypto and conventional finance, it is important to not just understand whether crypto exchanges are regulated but how they are regulated.