Pranav Pandit Profile picture
Faculty UC Davis @ucdavisvetmed 🇮🇳🇺🇸 #epidemiology #AI in Animal Health, #viruses #OneHealth @OneHealthUCD 🦇🦉🐒🐄📈…
Jun 12, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
New quantitative real-time PCR for detecting #Avipoxvirus DNA in various sample types of hummingbirds… @PLOSONE @ucdavisvetmed @SFSU @EpiCenterUCD The ability to detect Avipoxvirus DNA using the new quantitative PCR was compared with the conventional PCR. Photo: @WildliferRuta
Apr 7, 2020 26 tweets 24 min read
Global shifts in mammalian population trends reveal key predictors of virus spillover risk. Out in Proc Royal Society B @RSocPublishing @CKreuderJohnson @EpiCenterUCD @PREDICTproject @OneHealthUCD @ucdavisvetmed @LairmoreDVMDean @NIH… Co-authors include @petaleeh @PanditPranav, @SmileyTierra, Julie Rushmore, Cristin Young, and Megan Doyle. The study was supported by @PREDICTproject and @NIH