Parachute Museum tells the story of development of the free fall parachute from invention at McCook Field up to the role it plays in landing todays spacecraft.
Dec 27, 2019 • 5 tweets • 5 min read
Designed & tested at McCook field in 1948 by Heinrich and Gross: the highly-stable ribless guide-surface parachute. This chute was mass-produced mostly as stabilization chutes; but there was a version aimed at landing personnel as well. 1/5. @McCookField@AFmuseum@AFResearchLab
This design was deemed “stable”, I.e., less prone to swinging like a pendulum during descent or while decelerating payload. Per frame “e” below, it generates a stronger restoring moment whenever tilted. Figure from T. Knacke’s “Parachute recovery systems design manual”. 2/5.