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May 21, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Recreation of my old thread

Nalanda included Trividya Mathas (त्रिविद्य मठ) which were centered to the study of 3 Vedas

Their seals have been found in excavations

6th century seal depicts lord Brahma holding Kalasha with a legend
1] Image Another seal from Nalanda probably depicts lord Brahma and a single line legend, reads -

[Vantagra] "vataka-grahara Trividya"

[वणताग्र] वाटकाग्रहारे त्रिविद्य"

It talks about an Agrahara which was centered to the study of 3 Vedas

2] Image
May 18, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
An inscription from the reign of Kushana king 'Vasishka' mentions the Brahmins of Bharadwaja Gotra who were experts of the Chhandogya section of 'Samaveda'

And they performed a Yajna of 12 Nights in the summer of the 24th year of Vasishka's reign

सत्रेण द्वादशरात्रेण
Description :


Jan 14, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Buddhists of Gandhara were following the gotra (lineage) system of Hindus

An inscription from Huvishka's reign mentions two monks from Taxila who belonged to the Apamanyava gotra

उपासकानं बुद्धरक्षिताद्धर्मरक्षितानं भ्रात्रानं ओपनावसगोत्रानं तखशिलाकनं...
The Gotra system was also very prevalent among the Buddhists of Magadha
An inscription found in Sanchi mentions a Kashyapa Gotri Arhata who was the master of all Vinayas Image
Sep 12, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
Some History Stealers are saying that Satavahanas were Buddhist not Vedic

Fact : 'Satakarni I' Alone performed 11 types of Yajnas

Ive made devanagari conversion of 6


He donated cows on every occasion, in Rik yajna alone he donated 10000 cows

2] Image
Jun 19, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Vedic education in ancient India was not limited to Gurukuls alone

Big institutions of Vedic education also existed at that time

In which institutions called Chaturvaidyashalas (चतुर्वैद्यशाला) were famous in South India
1] For example,
Salankayana (सालंकायन) king Hastivarman of Vengi (4th Cen. CE) established many Chaturvaidyasalas at Vengipura

[Guntupalli Pillar Inscription]
2] ImageImage
May 26, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
There is no contemporary evidence of Pushyamitra's exploitation of the Buddhists, it is only mentioned in the Avadana literature

If you consider Avadana to be credible, then you should know that in Divyavadana Pushyamitra is said to be a descendant of Ashoka
1] ImageImage Divyavadana also mentions that Ashoka ki||ed 18000 Ajivakas at Pundravardhana of Bengal and thousands of Jains at Pataliputra and he announced that whoever brought the head of a Jain Nirgrantha would be rewarded with a dinara @TenzingLamsang
2] ImageImage