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Makers of NServiceBus and the most developer-friendly service platform for .NET | Follow us at @ParticularNews to keep up to date on our latest releases.
Feb 13, 2020 17 tweets 4 min read
Thread: Under the hood with delayed messages in RabbitMQ

Delaying message delivery can be tricky, especially on some messaging infrastructure. Let's look at what happens when a message gets sent 10 sec into the future using the RabbitMQ transport. What we mean by "sending a message 10-sec into the future" is that the message delivery will be delayed by 10 sec. This can be very helpful in a variety of situations.
Jan 15, 2019 28 tweets 7 min read
Recently @stimms asked about comparisons between Azure Durable Functions and NServiceBus sagas. First of all, for anyone curious about what Azure Functions and Durable Functions are all about, this article by @MikhailShilkov (which we also recently tweeted) is a pretty good primer, and in line with how we normally teach SOA:…