How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App Sarkar, she reached her 16th year in February 1756)., Adina Beg's widow and Sadiq Beg Khan joined the forces of Marathas in their flight from Punjab. Jauhar Aftabchi (the ewer-bearer of Mughal emperor Humayun) was assigned the pargana of Haibatpur (after it was wrested from Afghans). There he found that young children (not wives) of the "Mawalis" (a term used for servants, dependents or freed slaves of a household) of"On the 25th Zil Qada, Ghulam Qadir called Prince Akbar, Suleiman Shikoh, and the other Princes, nineteen in number, before him, and with harsh words called upon them to sing and dance before him. They declined ; but he would not listen to them, saying that he had long heard