Keith Myer ™ Profile picture
Oct 31, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Raised voices calling for change ebb and flow in the SBC. In a few days, things will settle down again. Survivors will be left wondering what’s happening… again.

Here are some actions we can continue to ask for:

1. An apology to Samantha Killary. + Until screenshots from ‘Out of the Blue’ hit Twitter on Saturday morning, few knew that she had disclosed to her youth pastor at a southern baptist affiliated church.

A case that had nothing to do with the SBC suddenly became yet another example of failure to protect. +
Oct 27, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
A few days ago a reporter, looking ahead at the judicial schedule, discovered an Amicus Brief filed in the name of the Southern Baptist Convention, The Executive Committee, SBTS, and Lifeway resources.

The document was publicly viewable for months.… No one knew it existed, except the SBC leaders who authorized it & the lawyers who signed it.

The argument made in the brief might be a sound legal argument based on the changes in the law, but in making the argument the leaders and lawyers argued contrary to messenger action + Image
Jul 21, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Our tour guide told us a story about his time in the Naval Academy. 🧵

Seated at the table with his squad of twelve, he refused broccoli offered to him three times. The senior classman at the table stood on his seat and announced, “Attention. We have an emergency!” + Image “Midshipman Storm is in need of help. He needs broccoli here at his location.”

Bowl after bowl of broccoli was dumped onto his plate until the pile came up to his chin.

“Storm, you will not leave until all of this broccoli has been eaten.”

And then, everyone began to leave. +
Jun 24, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
Sadly many tellings of the story of Martha and Mary pit the two women against one another as if they are two "personality types."

[Martha] had a sister named Mary, who also sat at the Lord’s feet & was listening to what he said, but Martha was distracted by her many tasks.🧵+ Rather than focusing on Action (Martha) vs Contemplation (Mary), I believe the 'who also' (neglected by the ESV but included in the CSB & KJV) teaches us that Mary served while Martha was distracted with 'much serving.' +
Mar 23, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
When the youth (the future) of the church, sees adults in the church acting poorly, what do they learn?

The popular child, a leader, learns that wit, laughter, skill, and gab are more important that character and kindness. + The gregarious child, who wants to please and be loved, learns to hide himself. He’ll wear a mask that says, “everything is fine,” as he searches for love & connection elsewhere, knowing he cannot unveil his true self. He will be rejected. +
Mar 22, 2023 20 tweets 3 min read
We have a problem with women. 🧵

KSP’s announcement that she’s leaving SEBTS is the latest public instance, but from conversations & observation I know this happens every day.

Carnivorous twitter users watch the tides & then pounce. + As I read KSP’s thread, minutes after she posted it, I thought, “oh. she’s moving on. I’m sure that was a rough decision.” I sent a screenshot to someone. I thought about what some of my friends would think.

I saw there were 5 quote tweets. +
Nov 1, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read
Stop doing the gospel backwards. 🧵

I was talking to a young man at Dunkin today about his decision to get baptized. Initially, he was excited, but now, he’s not sure if he’s good enough.

We talked. I told him he has the gospel backwards. + Why don’t you think you’re good enough?

“Well, I’m becoming more aware of my sins and failures as a Christian.”

So, you’re supposed to be in God’s armor and resisting temptation, but you’re failing at times? +
Nov 1, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
I can imagine Cain and Abel discovering flint and using it to make their lives so much easier.

Cain slicing up different fruits or cutting a vine. Abel scraping a skin clean for clothing, or field dressing one of his animals for presentation to the Lord. + I can imagine them sharing their innovations with their parents. Eve telling the boys, “This is good. God is good. He has given us good things.”

The knowing glances between Adam and Eve. Paradise lost. +
Oct 31, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Something delightful from today. 🧵

In 2021 prior to the annual meeting I asked my friend Joel Rainey if anyone was doing anything about the negativity in the SBC. Joel said yes and I would up, of all places, in a zoom prayer meeting.

Jay Adkins was in those meetings. + Watching the annual meeting from home, I heard Jay offer the first motion in Nashville.

“I know that guy!” +
Oct 30, 2022 18 tweets 6 min read
Donuts. 🧵

Today the kids at church gave me a box of donuts for pastor appreciation. They were not ordinary donuts. + Image They don’t taste very good,
but they’re very pretty,
and very encouraging. + ImageImage
Oct 30, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I have obtained the current offensive thing. + Image I have also obtained the last defensive thing.+ Image
Oct 19, 2021 16 tweets 5 min read
Gaines-Parrot Motion & a Failure of Leadership. A 🧵offered in hindsight.

In light of the vote to waive attorney-client-privilege, which has been described as “crazy” & “insane” & “the be warm and be filled” motion, I’d like to offer up that it didn’t need to be so. + The motion was posted prior to Nashville, allowing time for EC staff and others to review it. It’s entirely possible that Dr Floyd could have met with @DGrantGaines & @ronniep and others to work to explain the obstacles and overcome them. +
Jul 2, 2021 24 tweets 5 min read
As a pastor committed to preaching expositional messages, where the text speaks to the people, watching the Ed Litton sermon comparison videos has been painful and quite frankly, embarrassing. + Alternatively, I am unmoved by those who constantly beat their chests and pretend like they are rending their garments over the sad state of affairs in SBC life as if it is not a well-known fact that pastors do this sort of thing all the time. +