Patrick Hilsman 🇺🇦🇱🇧🇵🇸 🚜-♥️🍉🌻 Profile picture
Journalist - work in @AlJazeera @theintercept @qz - Hunting Drones + War Criminals - Work on Syria, Ukraine, Refugees, Chemical Warfare - Vegan AF!
Dec 10, 2024 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Russian/Israeli coordination on airstrikes has been known for years. The Regime’s role was unknown but it’s been long suspected that there was at least some info exchange between Syria + Israel.
1. I covered Russia/Israeli airstrike coordination in 2018…… 2. If these are real, and that’s a big if until someone explains it to me, I’m not good at authenticating documents, they look like Russia conveying information from its deconfliction line with Israel to the Syrian Military. There is also lot of Israeli UAV tech on Assad’s side.
Oct 13, 2022 • 4 tweets • 4 min read
So those “anti-war” protestors who confronted @AOC at a town hall r supporters of the Larouche movement - Diane Sare is a Larouche candidate + the Schiller Institute is Larouche’s cult - They r suspected in the death of a 22 y/o Jewish student named Jeremiah Duggan in 2003 Both @Noggatone + @JosBtrigga have Larouche crap in their bios - this is the organization that would show up to rallies w pictures of Obama w a Hitler mustache in response to the Affordable Care Act - they also advocated concentration camps 4 AIDS patients ImageImageImageImage
May 15, 2021 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
So-called “warnings” from the IDF are BS. Every country that targets civilians has dropped “warning leaflets,” from the Americans in Vietnam to the Nazis. It’s about absolving perpetrators, it’s not about “warning” anybody. I’ll be making a thread of various examples below; 1. Nagasaki; the US offered “warning” to Japan w the following leaflet
“We have just begun to use this weapon against ur homeland. If u still have any doubt, make inquiry as to what happened to Hiroshima when just one atomic bomb fell EVACUATE YOUR CITIES”…
Nov 26, 2020 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
A lot of struggling freelancers r outraged at Rania Khalek’s brazen denial of chemical attacks not to mention her blatant messages of support for Syrian military pilots, up to the point of saying the mass-murderer Zhareddine shouldn’t have his accounts frozen. I voted Bernie btw. This doesn’t come down to a question of being “mainstream” or not, it’s about lived experience as a journalist. Rania experienced Syria w the safety of regime protection + has the audacity to claim Syrian rescue workers fake attacks on civilians.
Jul 24, 2020 • 16 tweets • 27 min read
@NoorNahas1 @aaronjmate Ok here goes.
1. He’s still using documents that he knows contradict the claims he is making. For example the document suggesting Ian Henderson join the investigation Aaron previously presented as proof that Henderson “lead the inspections” is from AFTER said inspections. @NoorNahas1 @aaronjmate 2. Here we can see that @aaronjmate is dishonestly referring to documents suggesting Ian Henderson might join the investigation as “contemporaneous” when in fact they are after the fact, hence proving Ian Henderson did not partake in the key inspections prior to the document date
Mar 13, 2020 • 49 tweets • 44 min read
The Coronavirus outbreak is a good time to reflect on anti-science falsehoods promoted by people who deny atrocities in Syria, especially on the issue of Chemical Weapons. From a safe distance it’s easy to reject crucial scientific consensus. Let’s examine some of their views 1. 2. One of the most vocal proponents of the idea that the 2018 Douma Chlorine attack was a false flag is @ClarkeMicah - The former @Newsweek employee @Tareq_Haddad resigned after vouching for Hitchens credibility on Douma. Hitchens believes climate change + evolution r hoaxes. ImageImage
Aug 3, 2019 • 8 tweets • 8 min read
The conspiracy-laced Syria statement that @TulsiGabbard posted shows how unqualified + gullible to pseudoscience she is.…
1. Gabbard’s says, OPCW ignored claims of a rebel CW lab when in reality they thoroughly examined + debunked it… Image
2.) So while @TulsiGabbard claims she “just has questions” re: CW or that she’d take a “cautious approach” to foreign policy as President, it’s clear that in true Trumpian fashion she hasn’t even bothered to read the @OPCW report on Douma. Here she repeats a dubious Russian claim Image
Mar 27, 2019 • 9 tweets • 7 min read
Many “Russiagate skeptics,” r claiming vindication before even seeing Mueller’s report. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to do this because I cover Syria, arms traffic + CW attacks, not Russiagate, but here we go; It’s time for the Mueller mega-thread.
1. Russia did hack Democrats. 2. While TV news messed up by lowering the bar w phrases like “Russia hacked the election,” vs “Russia conducted a massive intelligence operation to influence the election,” it was actually Trump who drove coverage by firing Comey over “the Russia thing.”
Jan 28, 2019 • 7 tweets • 7 min read
The @Bellingdawg account that so many leftists gleefully RTed over the past few months sure seems obsessed w building the wall + staving off “Cultural Marxism,” while supporting the EDL + Salvini. Here’s a small taste of their Homophobic, racist + transphobic content 1. 2. “NPC” + “current year” are both alt-right/white nationalist vernacular terms familiar to anyone whose been on reddit. Also this particular account seems to fully support Trump’s wall. Very interesting 🤔
Jan 27, 2019 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
@aaronjmate Yes I can criticize it very specifically. During the siege of Ghouta she made a video questioning the validity of the atrocities reported by Syrian civilians trapped in the city. She did this after being paid to do so by the Russian government. 1/2 @aaronjmate 2/2 As part of a larger attempt to discredit the reports of atrocities she claimed the White Helmets were Al Qaeda linked(a lie pushed by her employers) and that they work exclusively in opposition areas(also a lie.) Here r the WH working w the SARC. A common occurrence...