Patrick Kidger Profile picture
BioML+numerics+neural ODEs+JAX @ Google X. Ex-PhD @ Oxford Neural DiffEq textbook: JAX scientific ecosystem:
Feb 8, 2022 21 tweets 10 min read
⚡️ My PhD thesis is on arXiv! ⚡️

To quote my examiners it is "the textbook of neural differential equations" - across ordinary/controlled/stochastic diffeqs.

w/ unpublished material:
- generalised adjoint methods
- symbolic regression
- + more!

v🧵 1/n If you follow me then there's a decent chance that you already know what an NDE is. (If you don't, go read the introductory Chapter 1 to my thesis haha -- it's only 6 pages long.) Put a neural network inside a differential equation, and suddenly cool stuff starts happening.

Sep 13, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
Announcing Equinox v0.1.0! Lots of new goodies for your neural networks in JAX.

-The big one: models using native jax.jit and jax.grad!
-filter, partition, combine, to manipulate PyTrees
-new filter functions
-much-improved documentation
-PyPI availability!

A thread:
1/n 🧵 Image First: simple models can be used directly with jax.jit and jax.grad. This is because Equinox models are just PyTrees like any other. And JAX understands PyTrees.

2/n Image
Aug 3, 2021 20 tweets 5 min read
Announcing Equinox!…

A JAX neural network library with
- a PyTorch-like class API for model building
- whilst *also* being functional (no stored state)

It leverages two tricks: *filtered transformations* and *callable PyTrees*.

1/n🧵 First of all, I know what you're thinking. We already have e.g. Flax and Haiku (+ a few others as well).

What's new, and do we really need another?

To the best of my knowledge, Equinox overcomes some of the core technical difficulties faced in previous libraries.

May 12, 2021 22 tweets 8 min read
New paper: Neural Rough Differential Equations !

Greatly increase performance on long time series, by using the mathematics of rough path theory.…

Accepted at #ICML2021!

🧵: 1/n
(including a lot about what makes RNNs work) Image (So first of all, yes, it's another Neural XYZ Differential Equations paper.

At some point we're going to run out of XYZ differential equations to put the word "neural" in front of.)
