Trump is NOT a Zionist. He is the Zionists' worst enemy by pretending to be one of them. Trump is an actor, a spy, but above all a soldier. #StableGenius
2 subscribers
Oct 20, 2023 • 22 tweets • 4 min read
This will be my most comprehensive thread yet, but there’s a lot to unpack here. I’ll try to keep this as short and succinct as possible.
First there was the COVID psyop. And you didn’t fall for it. You might have done so at first, but then at some point you woke up and realized it was a scam.
Oct 7, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
The leftists are having a field day about Trump dropping his $500 M lawsuit against Michael Cohen. This is based on Cohen's own smug statement.
Here's how they spin it. Just days before Trump was to testify under oath he decided to duck and cover.
Oct 5, 2023 • 7 tweets • 1 min read
For those of you still worried about vaccine "shedding", remember that the term simply means: excrete. You "shed" every day in the bathroom or when you sweat. This is how the human body rids itself of toxins and waste.
I see a lot of old-world programming among the 'awakened', even people who do get sick from interacting with vaxxed fellow humans. There are as many hypochondriacs among you as there are among normies. Clearly, you have no idea to what extent you can manifest illness yourselves.
Oct 3, 2023 • 100 tweets • 15 min read
This will be my second attempt at publishing this lengthy but explosive thread. It got broken up the first time because the X algo picked up on certain key words and links. This second attempt will not contain these markers. Fingers crossed it works this time!🤚
In this paper, “a new Pearl Harbor” was deemed necessary for the American public to accept the plans the signees had for the military-industrial complex to establish global dominance.
Sep 30, 2023 • 100 tweets • 15 min read
This is going to be a lengthy thread. But it’s an explosive one. I think I have figured out what Q means by “FISA = start”.
An interesting publication in that same year (September 2000) by a ‘think tank’ called Project for a New American Century (PNAC) was “Rebuilding America’s Defenses”, in which “a new Pearl Harbor” was deemed necessary for the American public to accept the plans
Sep 25, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
@DrC_IET17 This also holds true for the "awakened" to a certain degree. If people found out that pretty much everything is fake, phoney and false, the implications are that we've been living a lie our entire lives. This is extremely discomforting, enough to turn many of us psychotic.
@DrC_IET17 Q has said we will be shown only 40%. We tend to think this refers to the nasty stuff, i.e. treasom, corruption, crimes against humanity. I think Q is referring to our base, our core being. The matrix isn't real but we were born into it and it's all we know and all we have.
Sep 13, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
I took my own advice and watched this presentation by Judy Wood again. Boy, am I glad I did! You've been had, folks, by the likes of Steven Jones and his band of gatekeepers, such as Jim Fetzer, Richard Cage et al who came up with the thermite theory.…
Remember Pons and Fleischmann, who in 1989 shocked the world with their announcement of a new type of clean nuclear energy? Well, guess who nuked the careers of these innovative and brilliant scientists? Why, it was Steven Jones!
Sep 6, 2023 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
After the horrific fires in Maui and with the 22nd commemoration of 9/11 approaching I want to bring the work of Dr. Judy Wood to your attention. This is a lecture she did in 2012. The "toasted cars" are eerily similar to the burned-out vehicles in Maui.…
Dr. Wood lost her job as a physics professor over the research she did on the use of what we now call DEWs (Directed Energy Weapons) on 9/11. But that wasn't half as devastating as being raked over the coals by the ALTERNATIVE COMMUNITY. You know, the 9/11 "truthers".
Jun 29, 2023 • 18 tweets • 3 min read
While I realize that date fagging is very dangerous and got us anons in trouble in the past becauae we were making predictions and statements that didn't come true, I will say that although I greatly respect Dave (X22 Report) I see a different timeline of events than he does.
According to Dave, we must go through one more year of Deep State tyranny, including the CBDC, and other dictatorial measures to wake up the comatose masses. I don't see it that way.
I never cared about politics in any way until Donald Trump came along. I had no idea what kind of person he truly was until I became an anon and took the red pill. It was then that I realized that he was a hero in every sense of the word.
He is not perfect but Trump cannot be bought.
He's proven he's a battle hardened warrior for the people in tremendous ways over and over.
He has taking a thousand slings and arrows in defense of We the People.
He's been through hell to save the children.
May 22, 2023 • 51 tweets • 8 min read
I have finally gotten around to writing this thread about the evils of feminism – all waves of them, including the first. Especially the first.
How many times have you heard men and women in conservative circles proclaim:
‘Modern-day feminism has gone way too far. It’s no longer a legitimate struggle for the female right to vote.’
I don't know who in power needs to hear this but a massive swath of US citizens flat-out refuse to accept living under the two-tiered justice system that has routinely allowed Govt agencies, and the partisan political hacks who run them,
to treat lawful Americans as the enemy...and then walk every time they get caught.
Numerous accounts showing up online that Dr Buttar believed he was poisoned after a CNN interview. He had symptoms of myocarditis, pericarditis due to the presence of up to 5 venoms in his blood.
The Durham report is a result very much like the 2020 election results.
The precedent in USA history for dirty elections is pretty much to wait for the next. That is, unless the People rise up in anger and (back in the day) tar and feather a few corrupt politicians.
This is what slow disclosure looks like. This is setting the public up to accept the fact that Chinese Spies operate within the United States.
Remember what Wray said about the CCP and these police stations back in November as well (that they represent our biggest threat to national security).
Circa 2021: "Israel’s swift vaccination rollout has made it the largest real-world study of Pfizer Inc’s COVID-19 vaccine. Results are trickling in, and they are promising."
It seems Dylan's making a big splash in the eating disorder corner of twatter. Glass half full me still says this schtick has to be part of a controlled demo.
Because these are girls/young women already all-in with pronoun nonsense and now? They're using Dylan and talking about him as she for thinspiration. Because anorexics need further thinspired, right? Just take boy hormones and get Dylan's bod.
I realize a lot of people are invested very deeply in the idea that DeSantis will soon announce - after 5 months of doing NOTHING BUT DROPPING IN THE POLLS FROM 38% TO 19% - that he is running against President Donald J. Trump for President.
You can believe that if you want to.
I don't tell people what to believe.
I am not an authority figure.
All I do is lay out a case and let people make up their own minds.
DeSantis has had HALF A YEAR to build momentum for his candidacy.