Pat Dorr, PsyD Profile picture
Psychotherapist (PsyD), progressive Christian, and funny person (I've been told). I can go from zero to Philadelphia in 5 seconds. Be warned.
May 24, 2019 4 tweets 2 min read
@SpeakerPelosi - I wonder, as you make decisions about impeachment of Trump, if you could brainstorm with others at what point would it have made a difference in stopping Hitler to take such an action, and at what point will it be too late to stop him? 1/3 Executive orders, such as giving Barr access to intelligence sources and methods, is going to put many people at risk. Threats to incarcerate and execute (for "treason") his political opponents by Trump put many at risk. It is moving toward "too late" to stop Trump's coup. 2/3
May 2, 2019 4 tweets 1 min read
Questions to those who voted for Trump.
1. Would you have voted the same if you knew in Nov 2016 that up until the election the Trump Org was actively seeking their biggest deal ever with Moscow? 2. Would your vote have been the same if you knew that in order to make that deal, the sanctions imposed on a bank in Russia would need to be lifted first? And that sanction relief was a big part of Trump's expressed goals for Russia?
Apr 7, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Gaslighting alert - Every time someone says or writes that the revelation of Trump's taxes was settled at the election (people voted w/o seeing them) remind them that people voted for him trusting in his promise that he would release his taxes once he was elected. 1/4 They assumed he had nothing to hide since he was promising to release them asap after election. He let them down. After the election he stopped acknowledging those who trusted him, with their votes, to show his taxes. 2/4
Mar 18, 2019 14 tweets 3 min read
Signs you are in a Cult (from Sam & Turner, Medium)

1. The leader is the ultimate authority: (If you’re not allowed to criticize your leader, even if the criticism is true, you’re probably in a cult. The leader claims some superior or supreme knowledge. ("I alone can fix it") 2. The leaders convince members to forfeit their critical thinking ability in return for a sense of belonging, authority, and purpose. ("Don't believe what you see and hear")