Paul Goodman Profile picture
Conservative Peer. Senior Fellow, @Policy_Exchange. Editor, @ConHome 2013-24. MP for Wycombe 2001 - 2010.
John Smith🗽Israel 🇮🇱 must prevail Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 29 36 tweets 5 min read
There’s much to be said about @KemiBadenoch as she chucks her hat into the Conservative leadership ring. So here’s a thread… 2. If elected, @KemiBadenoch would be the fourth Conservative woman leader (Labour has yet to have one) and the first black leader of any major British political party (ditto).
Jul 25 29 tweets 4 min read
Since the Conservative leadership election is now under way, it may be worth a thread on the Party’s future - recognising that the odds are against its return to government any time soon. So here goes.. 2) There are two key questions. WHAT should the Conservatives try to do. And HOW should they do it? Let’s start with the first question...
Jul 8 10 tweets 2 min read
The new Conservative Parliamentary Party. A thread. It’s been suggested that the balance has tilted against Tory MPs from left of party centre. Is it true? Let’s have a look… 2. First, there’s an issue of definitions. What does Tory left and right mean, anyway? What if you’re right on culture and left on economics? Or vice-versa? Or small l liberal on everything?
Jun 19 22 tweets 3 min read
1) Conservatives in Canada after 1993. It’s well known that in that year the Progressive Conservatives won only two seats in the federal election. What’s not always so well known is what followed. A thread… 2) The PCs were a very long way down indeed - but not out. In the federal election of 1997 they crawled their way back to 20 seats…
Jun 15, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
+ @Jacob_Rees_Mogg is on feisty form in today's @ConHome Moggcast. He's got something to say on taking a knee, the Northern Ireland Protocol and "second rate" Oxford dons. But the most striking bit is about Covid and risk - so here's a thread. Moggcast Quote 1) "Ultimately, the NHS is there to serve the British people, not the British people there to serve the NHS, and therefore we may need to spend more money on hospitals but...