Paul Handley Profile picture
US National Security @AFP; ex-Saudi bureau chief; proud FEER alumnus in Asia; author of 'The King Never Smiles' bio of late Thai king. American U. SIS
Aug 11, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
In case you’re not watching: Thai protestors issued the strongest challenge to the monarchy in decades : The demonstration at Thammasat proposes monarchy reform | Prachatai English… This is a direct and risk-fraught challenge to King Vajiralongkorn, a brutal and corrupt man who presided over his kingdom from Germany, the army and security services his arms of control
May 26, 2019 8 tweets 2 min read
Prem Tinsulanonda was the primary protector of the monarchy of King Bhumibol beginning in the late 1970s. He also was the anchor of the US-Thai relationship through the 1980s. In a deeply corrupt military he was personally quite clean. But his 8 years as a prime minister who never stood for election solidified the political & business role of the military which Thais continue to fight to this day. He institutionalized the ultra-conservative elite
Oct 14, 2018 16 tweets 4 min read
A few comments on Saudi Arabia's (KSA) royal family rule & reporting on King Salman, Crown Pinrce Mohhamad bin Salman (MBS), If you read dramatic reporting in @washingtonpost and @nytimes you get the idea that MBS is a big change in many ways. Not true, at all. In economics, social & politics, in military & geopolitics, & in treatment of dissidents, K. Salman and MBS are extensions of previous reign of King Abdullah. Main difference: they forced Abdullah's family & allied royals from power and installed their own family and allies.