Paul Patrick Profile picture
Latin-America.Ireland.Britain.Never Pasaran.Hasta la Victoria Siempre.If you are sectarian/bigoted/racist,don't follow me.
Jan 2, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
1. #Belfast #IrishSeaBorder There is no doubt that Brexit & the accompanying Irish Sea Border has destabilised the Union. Whilst the constitutional status of Northern Ireland has not changed, the fact of N.I remaining in the single market of the EU confirms it is”a place apart”. 2. Belfast Steve Aitkin/UUP, Mervyn Gibson/OrangeOrder,Jim Allister/TUV, Jamie Bryson/Unionist Blogger, etc etc, all see the Irish Sea Border & different economic arrangements for NI apart from Britain as a “betrayal”. It comes in a long line of Tory”betrayals”.
Oct 24, 2019 19 tweets 16 min read
Long thread coming up. 1. #HavanaDiary Day 46 of 120+ Great to see Hotel Riviera being refurbished by Spanish Hotel chain Iberostar, who are great supporters of investment in Cuba. They have resisted US pressure not to. 😎👍🇨🇺👏 2. #HavanaDiary The Hotel was owned by Meyer Lansky of the US Mafia. Batista even put him in charge of promoting tourism! Nationalised by the Revolution in 1959. Lansky’s family have the cheek to want it back! NOT. A. CHANCE. 😎🇨🇺