Empowering conscientious people to identify and overcome the obstacles to their God given human potential! God Willing 🙏😀..
Nov 18, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Tom Kelly/1 ..I Paul S Waugh of Lighthouse hereby publicly call out Tom Kelly @Tomreporter and Adam Luck of the @DailyMailUK for unprincipled and unlawful journalism in relation to myself and our organisation. We brand both as predatory trolls who hide behind their organisation’s
power and influence posing as journalists (in our case at least) at the expense of both myself and others and our company. They are both thus professional predatory trolls. The Daily Mail UK are thus complicit in supporting these two unscrupulous and unprincipled menaces.
Sep 29, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
The people we now working with at Lighthouse are a real joy in Christ. The growing community of true blue Christian’s. Christs people. Christs children. Seeking first the kingdom of God and through this taking full responsibility for their sin through the atonement of Christ 1/4
Receiving in Christ the fruitage of his glorious and wonderful Holy Spirit,love, joy, peace, long suffering patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. When there is a challenging problem they deal with it filled with the fruitage of Christs spirit 2/4
Sep 28, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
We invite any responsible #reporter with integrity to come and meet myself or anyone here at Lighthouse and find the truth of these falsehoods. In the meanwhile we invite those who know we have the evidence bound by data protection to allow us legally to reveal the truth 1/4
In other words those who know we have the evidence to the contrary of their claims here against us at Lighthouse to allow us legally to reveal this data protected info to the press and to the police. If you have nothing to hide then why not? But yes you do have a lot to hide 2/4
Sep 28, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
We will no longer engage! We can no longer afford to and still progress our work here. We are continually being hit by government agencies in relation to falsehoods. Triggered anonymously by anti Lighthouse saboteurs trying to filibuster us by lighting many fires ongoing! 1/4
It’s either fight these fires and lose all our interests here at Lighthouse where many people will lose much time money and effort invested in themselves or just not engage. Therefore as a matter of survival we will no longer engage with any agency triggered to sabotage us 🙏 2/4
Sep 28, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Breaking: The destructive and constructive..spreader of malicious falsehoods against Lighthouse Richard Thomas from the company @KiboCommerce has again risen his ugly head anonymously under a pseudonym stating that there will be news over the next few weeks .. 1/4
that will massively change the narrative. Mr Thomas you and your ilk and antics are prop full of false narratives in relation to Lighthouse that you keep changing to suit you on an ongoing basis. Changing the narrative does not change the truth and reality of your criminal.. 2/4