Paul Sacca Profile picture
Don't you blaspheme in here.
Feb 4, 2020 9 tweets 5 min read
No wonder Pete Buttigieg believes he won the Iowa Caucus, he was supposed to win.

The DNC Caucus app is made by Shadow, which is owned by ACRONYM, a progressive organization that provides tech for Democrats. It was founded by Tara McGowan, a former employee of the Obama campaign Tara's husband is Michael Halle, who is a Buttigieg strategist. Coincidentally, Michael's brother, Ben Halle, is Pete's comm director for Iowa.
Oct 2, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
Las Vegas Massacre Shooting Questions That Remain 2 Years Later:

What was the shooter's motive?
Why shoot up a county music concert in Las Vegas?
Why does the shooter have zero social media presence?
Why are there only 2 photos of him?
Why does nobody know anything about him? Where is the missing hard drive?
Why was he always traveling around the world?
Why have no MGM surveillance videos been released or leaked?
Why did the sheriff's story constantly change?
How did he get a gigantic cache of weapons into a casino/hotel?