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Jul 17 9 tweets 3 min read
PMs use the Kano Model 5x more often than alternatives.

Unfortunately, the model focuses on the features.

So, how do we fix that?

(1/8) Image (2/8) First, focusing on the features is dangerous.

If the features we build do not solve customer problems, nobody will use them, whatever they declare:

Let's fix that in 4 steps:
Jul 6 6 tweets 3 min read
All PM templates from my Google Drive are now free for everyone 🎁

The extended edition:

(1/4) Image (2/4) XLSX:

- RICE Framework
- ICE Framework
- Analyze opportunity to add value by customer
- Weighted Decision prioritization
- Value Curve Template…
Jun 28 19 tweets 5 min read
As a PM, your main goal is maximizing customer value.

But many a few know how to prioritize ideas with ease.

There are two popular ways of doing this.

Here's everything you need to know:

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Approach 1: Opportunity Score by Dan Olsen

When thinking about value for the customers, we’d like to understand:

- How well is the customer’s need served today?

- What is the opportunity to create new value by addressing that need?

- How much value did you create?
Jun 20 57 tweets 8 min read
The ultimate list of product metrics for PMs, June 2024 (PDF):

• Acquisition: How do users find you?
• Activation: How do they experience value?
• Engagement: How do they interact with your product?
• Retention: Do they stay with you?
• Revenue: How do you make money?
• Referrals: Do they tell others about your product?Image 1. Acquisition Metrics Image
Jun 10 8 tweets 3 min read
Every PM should know the Double Diamond by heart.

But using it is an easy way to fail as a PM.

It’s a highly linear process without any feedback loops.

And it ends with launching a product. So, it doesn't represent Product Discovery.

(1/7) Image (2/7)

In the epic YouTube video, Natasha Jen referred to this linear process as “Bullsh*t,” arguing that creativity is much messier:

How to fix those issues?
Jun 6 15 tweets 4 min read
User Stories are narratives that foster collaboration, guide development and drive meaningful outcomes.

But many use them as containers for requirements.

So here's User Stories 101:

(1/14) Image (2/14)

1. Why?

A User Story is written from the perspective of a user who wants to derive value from the product.

It should focus on the user's desired outcomes and be embedded in the context where the user seeks value from the product.
Jun 4 10 tweets 3 min read
Product Management is, at its heart, about managing risk.

But the risks at play are not obvious.

The extended classification beyond the famous "Value, Usability, Viability, and Feasibility:"

(1/9) Image (2/9)

Ethics: Should we do it at all?

Ethics is sometimes considered part of the Viability risk. Teresa Torres presents it as a separate category. Image
May 30 8 tweets 2 min read
It's crazy what results PMs can get with ChatGPT-4o.

But just a few write good prompts.

(1/7)🧵 Image (2/7)

The 9 most powerful techniques:

1. Communicate the Why
2. Explain the strategic context
3. Clearly state your objectives
4. Specify the key results (desired outcomes)
5. Provide an example or template
May 13 8 tweets 3 min read
A Product Trio is a fundamental concept for product teams.

But contrary to what many believe, it is not:

- A framework to follow
- A strictly defined set of roles
- An exclusive group that performs product discovery alone

Three pieces of advice:
🧵 Image 1. Reject working in silos

You do not want silos in your Product Trio. Product Discovery is teamwork. Image
May 1 8 tweets 2 min read
A picture is worth a thousand words: OKRs vs. KPIs vs. Metrics

When comparing OKRs and KPIs, many forget a critical aspect - the relationships between them.

In short, the Key Results in the OKR always refer to quantitative metrics, some of which might be KPIs.

Let's dive into more details.Image 1. What are OKRs?

OKR stands for “Objectives and Key Results.” The 2 components:

- Objective (What, When): A qualitative, inspirational, time-bound goal for a team to focus on. Typically set quarterly.
- Key Results (What): Quantitative metrics (typically three) that monitor progress towards the Objective.
Mar 7 7 tweets 3 min read
Many PMs struggle to explain the difference between Vision, Strategy, Objectives, and Roadmap.

But those are extremely simple concepts.

Let's tackle them one by one: 🧵 Image 1. Product Vision (Why)

Product Vision is the long-term aspiration of your product. It motivates your team to wake up every morning and go to work.

For example, “Send humans to the Moon” or “Help tour operators focus on doing what they love.”

Effective vision needs to be inspiring and emotional. It becomes much more memorable when it speaks to people's hearts.

My favorite example is the JFK Moon speech:
Feb 20 9 tweets 4 min read
7 Prioritization Frameworks for PMs + free templates:

1. Eisenhower Matrix
2. Opportunity Score
3. Impact vs. Effort (2x2)
4. Risk vs. Reward
5. Kano Model
6. Weighted Decision
7. (R)ICE Framework 1. Eisenhower Matrix

Free template (Miro):…
Feb 7 6 tweets 2 min read
Top 29 free PM templates that will make PM a breeze:

Product Discovery:

- Customer Interview (PPTX)
- User Persona (PPTX)
- User Journey Map (PPTX)
- Opportunity Score: Introduction (PDF)
- Opportunity Score: The official Dan Olsen's template (PPTX)
- Jobs-to-be-Done Opportunity Score calculation (XLSX)
- 5-Day Design Sprint: The only official template (Miro)
- Opportunity Solution Tree (Miro)

[A free link at the end of the thread, 🧵] Prioritization:

- ICE Framework (XLSX)
- RICE Framework (XLSX)
- Impact vs. Effort (Miro)
- Eisenhower Matrix (Miro)
- Risk vs Reward (PPTX)
- Weighted Decision Prioritization (XLSX)
Jan 16 4 tweets 2 min read
The Ultimate List of Product Metrics:

- Acquisition: How do users find you?
- Activation: How do they experience value?
- Retention: Do they stay with you?
- Revenue: How do you make money?
- Referrals: Do they tell others about your product?
- Engagement: How do they interact with your product?

🧵Image This list is based on the AARRR framework. It is universal and fits every organization that works on customer-facing tech products.


Remember, you don't need to track everything.

Instead, focus on just a few key metrics that matter the most.
Dec 10, 2023 26 tweets 4 min read
Interviewing customers is a critical PM skill.

But only a few can do it right.

Top 12 best practices and common mistakes to avoid: 🧵 1. Ensure diverse perspectives

Product Discovery is not a task for a single person. Instead of building stage gates, we should embrace the collaborative approach.

The whole Product Trio (Product Manager, Product Designer, and Lead Engineer) should be present.
Nov 3, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
Grab my top 118 books for PMs
(+bonus on page 14) 🧵 Image 1. Product Discovery (15)
Oct 13, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
7 Prioritization Frameworks for PMs 🧵

(bookmark this post for later)

1. Eisenhower Matrix

Useful for: prioritizing tasks.

Free template:…
Image 2. Opportunity Score

Useful for: prioritizing opportunities

Introduction (PDF): 

@danolsen's template (PPTX):……
Sep 24, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
The ultimate list of product metrics for PMs:

- Acquisition
- Activation
- Retention
- Revenue
- Referrals
- Engagement

🧵 Image 1. Acquisition Metrics Image
Jul 17, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
All PM templates from my Google Drive are now free for everyone. Happy Monday! 🎁




And there is more 🧵………
Image 27 free FigJam PM templates by @MarynaKucherova:…
Jul 16, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
The reality is 90% of new products fail.

The first step to ensure you have a chance to succeed?

The right market segment and a value proposition.

But many make similar mistakes 🧵 Many PMs segment the market based on peoples' characteristics and only later consider their underserved needs/jobs.

But markets are defined by the problems people have, not by the products or people's characteristics.

A better, more systematic 5-step approach:
Jun 4, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I just finished a Continuous Product Discovery video course! 🚀😊

You can benefit from a shorter version - Continuous Product Discovery Introduction.

Let’s get into it right now 🧵

1. In case you don’t know me

2. Why do we need Product Discovery?

From this video, you will learn:

- The problem with new ideas.
- 5 risk areas PMs should be aware of.
- Why learning by delivering is not a good idea.
- Why do we need Product Discovery?