Emmanuel Echeta Profile picture
Ghostwriter || Novelist || Remnants || Frequent Return
ADEMOLA Profile picture 2 subscribed
Jun 14, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
If you're dating a woman who makes more money than you, pull out of the relationship as soon as you can; except you have a sure way to flip the scales in near time.

Women are calculative. She may claim to love you, but when it's time for marriage, she'll most likely walk away. No woman plans to go into marriage expecting to win bread for the family. It's not to say she won't assist, or she won't cover for you if you have issues along the way.

But she needs to know you've got it, before she goes into marriage.
Jun 5, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
When I started ghostwriting, I was a doing a 30k word gig for N50k.

I was already in suspension on Upwork at that point, but I went on there and saw a 30k word gig for $1k

I called my client at 11k words and told him to technically eat his N50k

Then I started creating samples As a creative/fiction writer on Upwork, what sells you are your samples.

I've had clients tell me they can't hire me but my writing is superb. The ones who fell out because of price negotiations. Etc.

But one thing is certain; they know I'm good.
Jun 3, 2023 20 tweets 4 min read
An only child is the "star" of the family.

But they're also more;

Nobody who isn't an only child can understand how they feel, or why they behave a certain way.

They grow up having no one to play with; begin to create their own "worlds" as early as possible. Some become anti-social from an early age, as they lack siblings, and may lack 100% present parents.

They miss out on the experiences earned from growing up with a sibling or 2 or more.

They sleep alone, both bed-wise or room-wise.
Jun 1, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
When the consequences of your bad decisions come back to bite you, the parents who warned you about them will be with you then.

–Fuck around and get pregnant? At least your mum will open her arms to you

–Join bad gang and get arrested? Your parents will show up in court. They're the ones who'll take all the shame because you've been a bad boy or girl.

They'll never be able to say "We're not really friends oo", or "we aren't that close."

They'll be blamed for your errors, but will shamelessly defend you if the insults become unnecessary.
Dec 19, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
When people point out the absurdity of making insane amounts of money from seemingly unlucrative jobs, they are told to mind their business.

They sneer at you and call you a hater because you're confused as to why an akara seller has a car.

They call you an envious person. Yet, they still want to elect political leaders who must explain their source of wealth.

They suspect wealthy politicians of siphoning public funds; but are scared of questioning how little known comedians buy expensive vehicles.
Dec 18, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
A popular man here, tweeted his advice to a Pentecostal woman intending to marry a Catholic man.

He was mostly fair and factual, but made a statement about Catholics that I want to talk about.

He said that one can be a good Catholic, but a bad Christian.

I disagree. His words implied that a Pentecostal is a Christian, naturally; but Catholicism exists outside the sphere of Christianity, and while a Catholic can follow their doctrines precisely, they can still fail at practicing Christianity.

In essence, Catholicism is not Christianity.
Nov 16, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
"Because I 'suffered' with a guy and he still broke my heart, I won't stick with broke guys again."

This means you've accepted that you will continue to see shege, but you prefer seeing your shege in a bigger house with fancy lights.

Women who think like this miss something: They conclude that shege was dished out to them solely because the man had finished using their humble asses for his days of little.

It's not always the case. When you believe that managing with him is the only virtue you need, you may lose sight of others.
Nov 14, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
At a point, we have to look beyond the "politicians don't like Obi because he'll stop their stealing", and wonder why the ones from the SE are unnecessarily vocal.

There was a clamor for an Igbo presidency a few years ago, and now that wish is coming to pass. Yet, same Igbo statesmen are explaining why either a Yoruba man or Northerner should hold power till 2031.

The greed for power handed over by Nigeria's political hegemons, rather than the populace, is their problem.

It is why, with the opportunities prevalent in the SE, such as
Nov 14, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
The fact that most men will enjoy being "raped" by women isn't indicative that such a scenario isn't rape.

More often than not, that fetish is linked to their abuse as children.

Regardless, enjoyment of rape doesn't demean its monstrosity. A woman getting wet while being raped isn't proof of consent.

Orgasm can and has been reached by women while being raped. We've stuck with the definition of rape as lack of consent for sex.

If we begin twisting that definition because some men wish to be raped, we'll mess things up.

We'll normalize this annoying
Nov 1, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
If the basis of women fighting is to shame themselves by ripping off their clothes; and the verbal insults they usually resort to are "ashawo", "olosho", etc; what does that tell you?

It tells you that women know a woman's nakedness should be "sacred", and being a slut is wrong. So, why then do they writhe in agony when I call out indecent dressing?

After all, they seem to share my views that certain parts of their bodies should be covered.

Even when prostitutes fight, they start ripping fabric. Of course there's hair pulling and biting; but 2 minutes
Oct 31, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Andrew Tate recently converted to Islam, and cited that Christianity has lost its purpose.

You can't fault him for that.

Europe, the continent that fought Islam's expansion 1000+ years ago, and pushed Christianity into Africa and the Americas is very secular now. In Europe, ideologies foreign to the Bible are pushed under liberalism, democracy and humanism.

While some Europeans who still remain in the Church have liberalised the faith, others have denounced the religion which shaped their continent for 1500 years.
Oct 31, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
A couple of weeks ago, floods were trending as entire regions were submerged.

Now, kidnappings are rampant as roads (not covered by water) aren't safe.

There are fears for foreign deposits of Nigerians in the banks.

There's a terror alert in the capital city. The sheer size of the nation and the immense amount of people in it makes regional problems seem far from majority of the populace.

But, imagine when these issues increase to nationwide scales.

The government has failed in keeping back the floods and providing security.
Oct 31, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
MMUO AGU [Episode 4]

"Their disloyalty to the crown would have thrown your kingdom into civil war, affecting the lives of people living on the other side of your land!" the Ogbunabali found himself shouting.

"I don't care!" the girl shouted back. "You were hired to end the lives of a thousand men, women, and children, and you did it."

"Money or not, your king had logical reasons. Any great leader would do the same."

"Is it logical that I lost my father, my mother, and my sisters in one night? Tell me! Is it?!" tears hung at the corners of
Oct 30, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
If you're still doing yahoo and you haven't been investing at least 50% of what you've been "picking", you'll end up broke, and if the gods of fortune don't smile on you, wretched.

You won't "win" forever, and what you had/have was/is a one-time opportunity to build a legacy. Unfortunately, most of you spend your weekends from one stripper's clapping ass to the next.

You throw away money on cars when you still pay rent. What do you need a fleet for?

One small car is okay, and then you build assets.

There are many of your senior colleagues trying to
Oct 30, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
One of my favorite villains is the Joker of the Dark Knight franchise.

His aim wasn't to make money or rule the city; He simply wanted to prove that anyone and everyone could be as bad as him.

In his mind, everyone is a villain; they just need the right opportunity to emerge. There's a trace of evil in us all. And when it expands, we justify its presence.

And the ironical thing about this is that it's, sometimes, good things that make us do bad things.

To save your wife, you wipe out a village.

To be with your children, you give up strangers.
Oct 30, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
There is more than 1 story of a boyfriend waiting years for his virgin babe, and then she "mistakenly" gives it to a guy she met last week.

What's the excuse?

"You should have pushed me to give it to you?"

Then he goes, "you wanted me to rape you?"

She: "No, just effort." It's like a script. Why are women like this?

And this is the problem for the boyfriends: Stupidity.

No, you shouldn't force a virgin to give up her virginity; that's rape and I despise that.

But once a girl tells you she's a virgin, you don't date her and wait.

You run.
Oct 29, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Some people assert that it's possible to be in a relationship without sex.

Technically, if you only get to see your partner once a year, it is.

If one of you (usually the woman) is a virgin, it is.

But if not any of this, it's not; and if it's happening, you should be worried. The basis of human (and animal) relationships is sex; not kissing, not going out on dates, not doing Tik Tok videos together; it's wet, sweaty, hungry, orgasmic sex.

Every other thing humans introduced to their relationships is extra spice.

You don't see a girl you like and
Oct 29, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
In pre-Shakan Nguniland, wars were fought by standing far off and hurling spears at the other side.

The army who ran out of spears first was the loser, technically.

It was safe, neat and devoid of too much bloodshed.

Everything changed when Shaka Zulu emerged. He designed a short spear and trained his soldiers to run to the enemy, look them in the eye, and stab them to death.

It was risky, messy and rife with bloodshed.

Yet, with this method, Shaka won every battle.

The lesson to learn here is that playing safe can get you killed.
Oct 29, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
If you can't bear the sad reality that a couple can stay without child for a few years before they get one, don't get married.

It's wrong to ask a woman to get pregnant for you before you can proceed with marriage.

Your reality could be that you won't have kids immediately. Now, you're trying and it's not working and you assume she's barren.

She gets married the next year, and 2 years later, she's with child.

Meanwhile you're still doing your biology experiment 5 women later.

"I want to know if you're fertile".
Oct 29, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
A very precarious situation is when, in a family with sons, one of them is "bigger" than the rest.

This situation has been a problem since the time of Joseph and his brothers.

It is either the bigger one suppresses the other, or the smaller ones pull down the bigger. It is utopian in thinking to wish for families where brothers are equal in status, but it usually isn't the case.

Sometimes, it could be that the bigger one works to undermine the efforts of the others, by not supporting them.

It could also be that the others are lazy and hope
Oct 24, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
A female artist will take time to draw a beautiful portrait, and wish for the public to see it.

She'll post a picture of the portrait, and herself standing beside it in an apron, and nothing else.

10k likes, but only 200 people looked at the canvas. I feel bad whenever I see posts like that, as you belittle your talent because your body has more appeal.

But does it?

I have a friend doing wonders with his artistic talent; he has gotten thousands of followers in a few months, and no single person knows what he looks like.