Halal Akhi  Profile picture
Entrepreneur | President, Peng Group NG | Owner of @pengeliteng @pengphones | Versatile in Nature, Peng in Everything.
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Jun 2, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read
Yesterday was another day I saw myself in the grave. Here are are what I learnt yesterday.

▪️The day started with a death news of a young man all over the media and it ended with a football news of "hopeless happiness" about certain football team winning a trophy for almost the same medium where the death news treaded. Irony of life!

Moral lesson.

1. Life will always go on without you. Your death is not going to stop the world from moving on so be loyal to your Deen until your death.
Nov 23, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
If you currently discourage your husband from spending on his parents or get angry when he does, you are only a few years away from your mother-in-law’s shoes and the wheel of life will spin full round. It will be your turn to taste the bitterness of the food you once dished out. Parents are not to be remembered only when we and our families have eaten to satisfaction. From that little that seems not enough, send something to your parents unless you are sure they have no need for it. Then being dutiful to them will be expected in other regards.
Jul 22, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Everything is clean for someone whose heart is clean, but nothing is clean for someone with a dirty mind and heart. Of course, in the scales of the Shari’ah. Remember that the way you look at the world is how it appears. This is why some of the learned people used to say, “The person whose life mission is to always speak/think ill about others—lives a miserable life.”

Imam Ash Shafi’ee rahimahullah once said:
May 19, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
One of the best advices I got about marriage was to ask a potential what they think of their mother and father's relationship, what they like about it and what they don't like about it.

Because most of our mothers literally sacrificed themselves to a super human level because men doing the bare minimum was enough or the norm.

They took care of home, cooking, cleaning, education of kids and some mothers brought in money as well.

Or they kept marriage alive and misunderstood suffering abuse as having sabr.
May 18, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Read a quote that made me sad and grateful at the same time. If you are not married in your 30s you have avoided a divorce, loss of a child, your partner bringing in second wife without any care or concern for you or your children, being abused by toxic inlaws, you have spent the earnings of your 20s building a man while he build his family back home only to leave you and produced too many daughters because mother in law/husband wants a son.

Now I know there are happy marriages before the happy marriage
May 18, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
▪️A side chick became the queen of England.....an inspiration!

▪️Christiano Ronaldo chilling with his girlfriend at Jeddah mall.....an inspiration

▪️A woman winning reality naked TV shows........an inspiration ▪️A woman spending 90 hours cooking varieties of food.......an inspiration

▪️Lionel messi's world cup winning photos getting the highest likes on Instagram..........an inspiration

▪️A man winning a mansion and a Range Rover through betting......an inspiration
May 17, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
In Islam, we don't believe in the saying "we don't owe our parents anything"

After Tawhid, Allaah commands us to honor them.

They have brought us into this world, they may not be perfect parents but we aren't perfect children either. We still owe them respect, the best treatment, and love and even that means paying for what they need and taking care of them when they're sick—obedience to parents is obedience towards Allaah.

We are not going to be questioned about how our parents have treated us rather
Mar 15, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Based on my experience as a married man I can tell you with absolute certainty that this is what's happening in many marriages.

When you first met your wife, she was the most beautiful woman. You called her your Queen, your darling, your baby, your sweet heart. Soon, you got married, life was good. You loved each other so much. Then sudden she got pregnant, sudden her looks began to change, from a beauty queen to something else. Her face and legs swelled. She loses her shape and figures. After she put to bed,
Oct 21, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
If your daughter has an after Magbrib curfew levy that on your sons too. Unless it's to get groceries or do necessary house work. The pubs and sheesha clubs are filled with Muslim Men who are correcting Muslim women about hijaab online. How many stories have we heard of young adults or teenage boys gang raping or doing drugs on coming home as late as 1am or 2am with the excuse of I was with friends? This needs to stop.
Oct 20, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
A piece of advice. I think it's really important not to accept anyone in your life just because you are lonely or got no one till today. Take time before approaching to someone. A person may seem very attractive to you at first, but with time things may get quite different. So it's better if you have patience, think thoroughly, perform Istikhara prayer before finally choosing someone. Don't believe everything you see outwardly, true beauty lies inside.
Aug 9, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Tips For Raising Muslim Children...

1. Praise your child, even if they get 4/10 in an exam, praise your child in front of others.

2. Every time you speak with your children, speak with respect, say “JazakAllah khairan”, etc. Use ‘please' a lot and never swear. 3. He or she is just a child, don’t take away their playing time by treating them like adults. If you do this, they will rebel in life.

4. Assist your children in making decisions. Guide them by talking to them. If they want to go go for something, then help them plan.
Aug 8, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
10 years ago I was told I was too harsh in my responses and now I’m told I’m too soft and show unnecessary respect - you can never win, can you?! :-)
Jokes aside, the reality is that the default position of our beautiful deen is to be kind, compassionate and correct others with wisdom. Yes, there are occurrences where one can be harsh; however, even that has to be done appropriately by measuring the benefits (maṣāliḥ) and harms (mafāsid); I would argue that this is extremely difficult,
Aug 8, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Your Wife Is Your Playmate!

22 Things You Must Do With Your Wife!

1. Call her with sweet nicknames (the Prophet SAW use to call Aisha "Aish").

2. Play with her, any halal game at all (the Prophet SAW use to race with Aisha) and Allah loves it when a husband plays with his wife 3. Treat her kindly and offer her everything that will soften her heart towards you (its a warning from the Prophet SAW on His last sermon at Arafaat)

4. Buy her gifts sometimes even if is chocolate (they love to be treated like a baby).
Aug 7, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Why does a believer ask Allah for guidance during every prayer, when he has already been guided to Islam?

Ibn Katheer رحمه الله answers this question beautifully, saying, “Were it not for the fact that the believer needs to keep asking for guidance day and night, Allah would not have directed him to invoke Him to acquire guidance. The servant needs Allah, the Exalted, every hour of his life to help him remain firm on the path of guidance and to make him even more firm and persistent on it.
Aug 7, 2022 8 tweets 1 min read
Sometimes when someone posts a selfie or photos of themselves or their children they are looking for compliments, kindness and validation that they are perhaps not getting from loved ones or at home. Next time someone shares photographs of their kids or themselves instead of labelling them as attention seeking leave a comment about how beautiful they are or what an amazing mother they are to their kids.
Aug 7, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
“Muslims who learned korean language than arabic. what do you expect, will the angels ask you "aneyong hasseyo" in the grave?” It's seems funny but this is the reality itself, instead of learning Arabic for their own goodness they rather prefer to learn other language. And yes there's nothing wrong learning other languages but just remember that you're muslim and you know what i meant.
Jul 24, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Poison That Kills Men;

Once upon a time a beautiful girl got tired of her marriage life and wanted to murder her spouse.

One morning she ran to her mother and say to her “mother, I am tired of my husband I can no longer support his nonsense. I want to kill him but I am afraid Law of the land will hold me responsible, can you please help me mother?”

The mother answered: “Yes my daughter I can help you, but, there is a little task attached.”
Jul 22, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
It's OK to give your children better life than you had. But let them know It's not easy to provide that better life.

Once in a while, take your children to your workplace and let them see how you hustle to bring food to the table. This will help them understand that money does not fall into your pocket from the sky; you work hard to earn it. This will make them think twice before they demand for this and that, just because you're their parents and you must provide for them.
Jul 22, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
A couple made a deal the night of their Nikah to not open the door of their room to anybody who comes knocking in the morning for any reason.

In the morning the parents of the husband came and knocked on the door, the husband and the wife were looking at each other and…. …. as they agreed before, they didn't open the door.

After a while the parents of the bride came knocking at the door to check on them, the couple were looking at each other, then the bride dropped a tear and started crying, she said: “I cannot keep them knocking and not….
Jul 21, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
How do you know when a man
is right for you?

Honestly, you will just know. You will be able to tell by his mannerism, the way he looks at you. The way he talks to you, the way he pays attention to every single word you say, it'll be in his laughter, his attention to detail. The atmosphere when he is around you, a man who makes you a better woman, a better sister, a better daughter and the perfect future mother. You will realise he is right for you when he makes you stronger emotionally, physically and mentally.
Jul 16, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Sisters, Whenever your husband is returning home, the moment he enters the house, as a wife, halt whatever you are doing immediately:

-If you are on a call, end it.
-If you are surfing the net, drop the phone.
-If you are on a chat, suspend it. -If you have visitors, leave them and walk up to your husband.
-Whatever chore you are doing, abandon it, if it can't be abandoned, say something positive.
-If you are in an online live event, suspend it.
-If you are watching TV, abandon it.