Leaving MAGA/Rich Logis Profile picture
Remorseful ex-MAGA American. FL Co-chair, Republicans for Harris @RepsForHarris (as an individual). What's your MAGA story? Ask me why, and how, I left MAGA.
Jan 7 15 tweets 3 min read
🧵1. The process of leaving MAGA was what I refer to as my Year of Heaven and Hell, commencing in Summer 2021, with Summer 2022 when I finally, and fully, left MAGA. I did not support the Jan. 6 riot, and in the six months following it, I always acknowledged my opposition to it. 2. But I also publicly said that those who continued to talk about it hyperbolized the adverse effects and consequences of the day. I had thought that groups such as QAnon, the Proud Boys, et al. were fringe hobbyists.