Permanent Bear Profile picture
I’m a trader and analyst at a Washington, DC RIA as well as a Predictit junkie & biotech speculator (CALA bagholder). Tweets are not investment advice.
Feb 19, 2020 8 tweets 7 min read
I have been a loyal @wmata rider for 9 years now. I have not once had a negative interaction with a metro employee - until tonight. The station manager @ #whiteflint declined to let me use the customer restroom. I now know why @unsuckdcmetro exists. 1/ @wmata @unsuckdcmetro @unsuckdcmetro Upon approaching the station manager, his back was turned to me while speaking with someone else. I approached without saying a word, and the other man looked over the station manager's shoulder at me which caught the attn of said station mgr 2/