Peter James Profile picture
Planetary geophysicist, assistant professor of geosciences at Baylor University; recent Urey research fellow at the Lunar & Planetary Institute in Houston.
Jun 3, 2019 30 tweets 10 min read
Our paper on the deep structure of the Moon's South Pole-Aitken basin has been published (co-authors include @ThePlanetaryGuy, @maria_zuber, and three more non-tweeting authors). There are several "massive" results packed into this tiny paper. [1/n]… The SPA basin is huge, with an inner rim approximately 2000 kilometers long... imagine a hole in the ground stretching from Washington DC to Waco, TX. In terms of topography (this map courtesy of @corrinerojas) it is one of the defining features of the Moon's far-side. [2/n]